Unable to download historical data

I am getting the following error, my object "kite" is logged in with credentials which has access to the historical API add on.

in ()
----> 1 kite.historical(instrument_token='3861249',
2 date_from='2018-02-01',
3 date_to='2018-02-05',
4 interval='15 minute',
5 continuous = False)

AttributeError: 'KiteConnect' object has no attribute 'historical'
  • kyaboltitu
    I am using v3.0 of the API. Also, the above functions were working fine previously (v2.0).
    I did try to see if anything has changed, but did not spot anything under documentation.

    Please help.
  • tonystark
    Method "historical" has changed to "historical_data". Find the complete changelog here.
  • kyaboltitu
    Thanks !!

    Kindly fix the links in github - https://github.com/zerodhatech/pykiteconnect
    Under section "API Usage" - there is a link where it reads "Refer to .... Link" - this is old API version documentation.

    Fixing such links would help us get to the correct links quickly.
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