This is regarding the earlier thread "IMPORTANT: OMS connectivity issues of July 1/2" which you closed without an explanation .
The fellow traders (@Sumit and @RN0316 ) had raised a serious genuine concern , though worded a bit hard on you, but is still a concern for each one of us and i believe you too concur with the fact that there is a major short coming w.r.t the infrastructure . I was expecting that you would respond with a more detailed answer and give use the confidence that it would be addressed (what ,when and how ?) . But very unfortunately , you closed the thread without any explanation .
If you see the forum thread histories this issue has come up multiple times in recent short span of time. I do want to point out that the issues you attribute to OMS provider , is not seen in any other brokers this often , including small time brokers . We would really appreciate your more detailed explanation and how it would be addressed , your plans of stress testing the system , alternative links etc.
I do want to acknowledge that you guys provide awesome support and very responsive , but at the same time issues like these should be given utmost importance and would like to get the confidence that Zerodha management acknowledges the seriousness of the issue and is planning to address it promptly. I hope you agree that no pricing , no support , no platform ,is going to matter more adversely than a few minutes of network outage , leave alone a hour or days outage.