Looking for a basic program to get going!

I am just starting with algo trading as a hobby and want to try out some strategies that I believe should do well. However my coding experience is 15 years old in Turbo C++ back during school and college (I did code brainvita game, typing tutor and basic html websites). I should be able to code my strategies but I am not able to get around with the basics needed to do all the networking and logging in.

I am looking for a basic program (Even command line / console view is also fine) which can do all the networking / handshaking so that I can focus on writing the code for my strategy. I have spent days doing this myself and would really appreciate some help on this now. Obviously I can't share my strategies but I can share knowledge ideas on fundamental investing side. :) Thanks!

Saurabh - 96630 82299 | [email protected]
  • SaurabhMaheshwari
    SaurabhMaheshwari edited April 2018
    I have decided to pen down all my chronicles in getting Zerodha Kiteconnect to work here.

    After spending another 30 hours I was able to send my first buy order today. That felt good. Progess... Unsurprisingly, Upstox documentation helped me in getting the logging bit right. However still I was getting an error with the URL. Realized I need something called a webserver also running. A quick google and after a few restarts IIS was up and running.

    My aim was to get simple.py provided as an example running. I had included a print(resp) in the code and it was good to see my details. However there was an error with place order function - "Variety" parameter being missing. Again after some searches realized geniuses at Zerodha have forgotten to add "Variety" as parameter in their code in simple.py file on github. After changing that I was able to post a buy order by running simple.py. Infy order was rejected because Product type was NRML and not CNC. I ran it again this time changing the product type to MIS and voila there is 1 Infy trade when I check my Zerodha Kite Web in parallel on a browser. I still have no clue on how to taken delivery based positions but that's a problem for another day.

    Now second challenge is to get auto connect going as it is cumbersome to copy paste the request token again and again. With my trial & error approach, I need to do this probably every 5 mins which is irritating. There are some codes available on GitHub but they seem to be in python 2.x and not 3.x. Tried to get them working on p3.x. After spending another 3 hours already with Selenium & Urlparse to get them working I have given up on them for now. Will figure out some other way later on when I pick this again.

    There is another thing which really pissed me off. While checking the emails just now, I learnt I have bought Franklin India Prima Plus - Growth mutual fund twice for 5000 each. I didn't remember doing this. On checking Coin dashboard it shows only one transaction which is better than 2. Now after checking the code in simple.py again I realized while there was an Infy transaction which I was monitoring, rest of the code had a mutual fund order as well which I ignored. While the code for placing a mf order in simple.py works, there is a line for cancelling the same order which doesn't work. It is already past 1:30PM and I can't cancel that order now. Another INR5000 down the drain. Seriously Franklin India Prima Plus - Growth? And that too a 5000 order? Would have been okay if this was a better scheme or a lower amount.

    PS: This hobby is becoming really expensive to maintain :worried:
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