I would like to know if any one deployed their own codes instead of using Z library , If some one has used anything other than twisted package please share any inputs or bottle necks u faced while developing your script.
Z library is not bible,being as a Retail trader and knowing some parts of python i would like to know every line of code written in my script. Traders here are fascinated with "API trading" but i could hardly see any posts/traders asking or talking about how much an API is powerful when it comes making trades. @nikhilbansal i dont think you would have Tritan solutions if there any no requirement to re invent wheels
Its good to use Z library only and there is no need to reinvent the wheel.
Nikhil Bansal
Tritan Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Traders here are fascinated with "API trading" but i could hardly see any posts/traders asking or talking about how much an API is powerful when it comes making trades.
i dont think you would have Tritan solutions if there any no requirement to re invent wheels