Compile Error while placing Bracket Order


I downloaded the Exaple order excel which simplzy places the market order. I want to place a bracket order. So I added following snippet to the code:
Public Function PlaceBO(Exch As String, TrdSym As String, Trans As String, Qty As Integer, LmtPrice As Double, SqOffValue As Double, StoplossValue As Double, Optional TrailingStoploss As Double = 0, Optional OrdType As String = "LIMIT", Optional TrgPrice As Double = 0, Optional CTag As String = "LAST", Optional TagAPI As String = "") As String
On Error GoTo ErrHandler:
PlaceBO = Bridge.PlaceBO(Exch, TrdSym, Trans, Qty, LmtPrice, SqOffValue, StoplossValue, TrailingStoploss, OrdType, TrgPrice, CTag, TagAPI)
Exit Function
PlaceBO = Err.Description
End Function

I get the following error:

Comple Error:

Method or data member not found.

I know this might be a stupid question. Any help would be highly appreciated.
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