If my BO order is executed then SL-M and LIMIT orders are placed automatically. Let us say one BO order generated 3 trades so 3 SL-M and 3 LIMIT(total 6) orders are placed in system.
All will have same parent order Id.
But I want to correlate individual pair of SL-M and LIMIT orders:
1) One solution I found is: Diff between SL-M and LIMIT orderId is 1.
For example if OrderId of SL-M orders are 13, 34, 67 and OrderId of LIMIT orders are 14, 68, 35 then I can create pairs (SL-M:13,LIMIT:14) (SL-M:34,LIMIT:35) (SL-M:67,LIMIT:68)
Is this recommended as well as right way ?
2) If not then whats right way to correlate SL-M and LIMIT orders for trades genearted using BO orders ?