kiteconnect.exceptions.PermissionException: That API call is not allowed for the authenticated user


I have created a kite connect and publisher app.

Kite connect + Publisher (Created on 05 jan 2018)

I get PermissionException when I am trying to get access token.

user = kite.request_access_token(request_token="xxxx",secret="xxxxx")
File "/Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/kiteconnect/", line 269, in request_access_token
"checksum": checksum
File "/Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/kiteconnect/", line 597, in _post
return self._request(route, "POST", params)
File "/Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/kiteconnect/", line 684, in _request
raise(exp(data["message"], code=r.status_code))
kiteconnect.exceptions.PermissionException: That API call is not allowed for the authenticated user

What am I doing wrong ? Can you help. I checked the forum and most of the answers say its because of only publisher app, but my app is connect and publisher both.

  • vickin
    Hi @sujith,

    Can you please respond to the above query. I am getting permission exception in both java and python. I am using the following code in java.

    public void connect( ) throws KiteException{
    KiteConnect kiteConnect = new KiteConnect(API_KEY);
    String url = kiteConnect.getLoginUrl();

    UserModel userModel = kiteConnect.requestAccessToken(REQUEST_TOKEN, API_SECRET);

    I am getting the REQUEST_TOKEN from the login url. Its throws permission exception in requestAccessToken method.

  • vickin
    Never mind. Its suddenly started working. Thanks, Vivek
  • sujith
    There was some permission issue with your app. We enabled it from the back end.
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