modify order - stoploss

kite.modify_order(self, variety, order_id, parent_order_id=None, quantity=None, price=None, order_type=None, trigger_price=None, validity=None, disclosed_quantity=None)

@sujith In the above function , where should i make the change if i have to edit trailing stop loss in a bracket order ?
Also the order update that ill receive will be return of the above function , right ?
  • sujith
    One can't modify trailing stop-loss. Once a first leg is executed, you can modify trigger_price of SL-M (stop-loss) and price of LIMIT(target) order.
  • nickmanan
    @sujith if i modify the trigger_price , then will the trailing stop loss still work ?

    For ex - if i set the stop loss at 100 and trailing stop loss at one point lower 99 . then i modify the trigger price at 105, will the stop loss trail at a difference of 6 or it will still be at a difference of 1 from the modified stop loss ?
  • sujith
    Trailing happens only when the trend is in your favor. If it is opposite then trailing will not happen. You can check out this blog post for more information.
  • nickmanan
    nickmanan edited February 2018
    @sujith is there any way i can check the current stop loss once it has trailed ? considering that the price moved in my favour
  • sujith
    You will have to find a liquid instrument, place order and wait for Rs 1 movement.
  • Sanjeev
    Suppose , My stock price is 1000 , i am giving 0.5 % as stop loss and 0.5 % as trailing stop. Means 5 points for stop loss and 5 points for trailing stop loss. But i want to update trailing stop loss to 1003 when it reach 1005 . Is it possible in BO order.
  • sujith
    One can't update the trailing stop-loss value in case of bracket orders. You will have to simulate the bracket order at your end to do so.
  • shubhamosy
    @sujith simulation code you have for trailing stopLoss using Percentage?
  • sujith
    Kite Connect is purely an execution platform, we don't provide code or solution to write strategies.
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