Connect Activation

sudhirjonathan edited February 2018 in General
I'm trying to build an app that helps you manage your mutual funds on Coin / Zerodha, but it's been a month and the API key still hasn't been activated. If you're on the Zerodha team, could you get it activated? This is app id: xxx
  • sujith
    Your Kite publisher app is active now. Make sure you don't post your api_key, api secret or any other session-related tokens on public threads. You can private message these details.

    If you are planning to use Mutual funds APIs then you need a Kite Connect app and not Kite Publisher.
    A Kite Publisher is just a javascript button which can be included in website or blogs to place orders. It doesn't have access to any of the APIs.
  • sudhirjonathan
    Thanks. Re posting the API key, I notice that it’s part of the login url that all users are redirected to - doesn’t that effectively make it public knowledge already? Or am I doing something wrong?
  • sudhirjonathan
    Also the above mentioned app doesn’t seem to have an API_SECRET generated. I’m only seeing the API_KEY everywhere. Is there a separate step that needs to be taken?
  • sudhirjonathan
    Ah, okay, I'm guessing a publisher app won't have an API_SECRET.
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