Hi, INDIAVIX18APRFUT is not actually the exact tradingsymbol. INIDAVIX has three instruments expiring in the April itself. Kite Connect has missed the expiry date. Since there is no liquidity, even exchange is planning to get rid of this. As of now, Kite Connect won't support INDIAVIX future instruments.
@sujith , After April, INDIAVIX is no more supported by the exchange like you said. So, Could you please remove this from the Margins API at https://api.kite.trade/margins/futures accordingly? Because duplicate entries are still showing now for INDIAVIX18JUNFUT over here.
INDIAVIX18APRFUT is not actually the exact tradingsymbol.
INIDAVIX has three instruments expiring in the April itself. Kite Connect has missed the expiry date.
Since there is no liquidity, even exchange is planning to get rid of this.
As of now, Kite Connect won't support INDIAVIX future instruments.