Here the times are in UTC so the relevant rows are 06:45 (12:15pm IST) and 08:45 (2:15pm IST). In neither of these rows do we see Rs 73 or Rs 73.73 respectively.
So my question is why is there an inconsistency between those prices used for Streak backtest & Python historical data API? These are not open, close, high, low, or an average of all 4 - so which prices are used, exactly?
Sorry if this is in the documentation somewhere, I looked but couldn’t find anything specific.
@sohel Streak, also uses same Historical candle APIs.Hourly OHLC value of ALBK for 2017-09-20 12:15:00 is 73.25,73.3,72.95,72.95, as above shown by you. Algo calculation used in Streak DEMA short, might be having different derivative calculation, not sure about this. Can you write to streak on [email protected], with above details.
Streak, also uses same Historical candle APIs.Hourly OHLC value of ALBK for 2017-09-20 12:15:00 is
, as above shown by you.Algo calculation used in Streak
DEMA short
, might be having different derivative calculation, not sure about this.Can you write to streak on [email protected], with above details.