Xlbride papermode to livemode switch

Despite setting islive as TRUE , orders are getting placed in paper mode , getOrderIDbridge gives a order id which is not taken by other bridge methods like getchildid, get filled price , get ordersymbol, orderproduct , modifyBO bride etc i.e error is shown in cell as order I'd is null or....@HowUTrade
  • HowUTrade

    By default, live mode is disabled.
    You can mail us your client id to help@howutrade.in
    We will enable it for you.
  • madhukar
    madhukar edited November 2018
    Here I am talking about BO placed through placeBObride method from Excel cell directly ( not through order window which places order as windridge) i.e. source being xlbride , Syntax goes like this =placeBOBridge(A2,B2,C2,D2,E2,F2,G2,,,H2,I2,"A1","TRUE")

    Where A2....exchange
    G2...trail value
    First blank...order type , also true changing it to "LIMIT"

    Second blank....Target price
    H2 is Tag
    I...islive ,set as TRUE
    A1 ...is strategy code
  • madhukar
    Okkk! But which id should I provide as argument for get filledprice , modifyBOBride , get child id modify stop loss or exitBObridge@HowUTrade
  • HowUTrade

    'IsLive' is automatically changed to 'False' for the below function even if you set it to 'True'

    Your clientId must be enabled from our end to use those functions.
  • HowUTrade
    GetOrder* , GetChildOrders etc takes order id of Live orders i.e. id of original orders placed to OMS.
    If you pass the order id of paper trade(this id just allotted by application), then those functions will throw error as it is not a valid live order id.
  • madhukar
    Yes I mailed my client id and the request to enable live mode
  • madhukar
    @HowUTrade Okey but when live mode is enabled getOrderIDbridge should give valid order id which would be taken by other methods as valid argument , am I right? Or I need to use getorderids method to get valid order id?
  • HowUTrade
    If you place order using Bridge with IsLive set to True, then all order id related bridge functions will take/return live order id.
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