i user kite3 API for placing order place_order . i have following questions . 1.one of the parameter is quantity=int(qty) --> in future weather its same as lot if qty is 1 does it mean 1 lot ? 2. using exchange as kite.EXCHANGE_NFO is just enough and same place_oder API should work ? 3. since i have to do my own fund management i need to know how much funds required for purchase of 1 lot , let me know the formula and how to get the variables of those formula and corresponding APIs for the same . somewhere on the portal i got this formula Total Margin = Span/initial + Exposure if this is correct how do i get Span , initial and Exposure value for the script what are the APIs of the same ?
@ayyaz, All the quantities supported by Kite Connect are units and not lots. So 1 quantity = 1 unit not 1 lot.
In the case of MCX, 1 quantity is 1 unit but there is a multiplier for which corresponds to the physical quantity. You can find multiplier details here.
You need to provide corresponding exchange value for all the instruments. You can always find the instrument details in the instrument master dump.
We only provide instruments margins data, you can do the calculation at your end. You can find the instruments margins API details in the above mentioned thread.
You can find bracker and cover order margins calculation related thread here.
i am not able to understand how to use each field . can you explain what is meaning of
mis_margin': 53277.75 mis_multiplier': 0 margin': 17.29 nrml_margin': 118395.0 u'co_upper , u'co_lower ? finally i would like to know how many times margin is given in MIS for a particular symbol ( which is that field from above data ,) . how frequently this data changes , is it enough if i pull data once in a day ?
at the same time csv dump
12194306,47634,TATAPOWER18NOVFUT,,0.0,2018-11-29,0.0,0.05,9000,FUT,NFO-FUT,NFO lot size : 9000 same question here too how frequently i need to pull this data .
hi I am a developer. and want to add kite api to my application . And I want to execute trade for my multiple clints. Is it possible to execute the order. Pls request to reply
m-->NIFTY18NOVFUT lot size=75 margin=9.52 mis_multiplier=0 mis_margin=34134.498 please explain what is meaning of mis_multiplier=0 margin and mis_margin i have pulled margin info from https://api.kite.trade/margins/futures and lot info from
All the quantities supported by Kite Connect are units and not lots. So 1 quantity = 1 unit not 1 lot.
In the case of MCX, 1 quantity is 1 unit but there is a multiplier for which corresponds to the physical quantity.
You can find multiplier details here.
You need to provide corresponding exchange value for all the instruments. You can always find the instrument details in the instrument master dump.
We only provide instruments margins data, you can do the calculation at your end. You can find the instruments margins API details in the above mentioned thread.
You can find bracker and cover order margins calculation related thread here.
We don't have APIs for calculating SPAN. You can use our website to know the SPAN and exposure related things.
there are two dumps ->
for Ex:
{u'mis_margin': 53277.75, u'co_lower': 2.25, u'mis_multiplier': 0, u'tradingsymbol': u'TATAPOWER18NOVFUT', u'co_upper': 6.0, u'nrml_margin': 118395.0, u'margin': 17.29}
i am not able to understand how to use each field .
can you explain what is meaning of
mis_margin': 53277.75
mis_multiplier': 0
margin': 17.29
nrml_margin': 118395.0
u'co_upper , u'co_lower ?
finally i would like to know how many times margin is given in MIS for a particular symbol ( which is that field from above data ,) .
how frequently this data changes , is it enough if i pull data once in a day ?
at the same time csv dump
lot size : 9000
same question here too how frequently i need to pull this data .
Can you write to talk(at)rainmatter.com with a brief description of your product? Someone from zerodha team will get back to you.
please explain what is meaning of mis_multiplier=0 margin and mis_margin
i have pulled margin info from
and lot info from
please reply ASAP