i am receiving error while getting Historical data. I do have subscription for the same. Why i am getting this interval limit exception. Past 185 days data can be fetched for 30minutes charts. Is anyone else facing the same?
I faced the same for ohlc daily data today. Limit was reduced to 2000 days. There is no mention of this even in this forum. I'm fine with this change but such sudden shocks are not right in a system which is supposed to help with automation. Until they have a good means to notify us of any changes somehow, I'd say it's best we rely on automated tests at every point of execution
We always had a limit on the number of candles fetched from one HTTP call. You can check out the details here.
We had removed it for legacy reasons when we migrated to a new version of the historical data API. Yesterday, one of the API clients kept polling a large dump of historical data which caused the database to hang and it affected the 2 lakh+ online chart users. Hence we had to bring the limits back. We have removed it for now but it will be brought back again. We will put up a sticky post here.
Till yesterday I could able to get data of 1year of 1min type, but from today I am not getting it. How these kind of changes/limitations are added over the night? There are sever impact to the existing dev system. Zerodha should inform to the client and provide some time span for handle the changes before going for the final changes.
import credentials
# Your Account Sid and Auth Token from twilio.com/console
# DANGER! This is insecure. See http://twil.io/secure
client = Client(credentials.account_sid, credentials.auth_token)
def make_call(voice_text=''):
call = client.calls.create(
print('Warning call made', call.sid)
We had removed it for legacy reasons when we migrated to a new version of the historical data API.
Yesterday, one of the API clients kept polling a large dump of historical data which caused the database to hang and it affected the 2 lakh+ online chart users. Hence we had to bring the limits back.
We have removed it for now but it will be brought back again. We will put up a sticky post here.