Unable to establish connection with KiteConnect

Has anything been changed in last 3 days?
  • tonystark
    We cannot understand what is happening from just "Unable to establish connection". Could you please add more info to this?

    This is a developer forum. An error message with status code, stack trace of the exception, sample code to reproduce the issue or even a screenshot would be helpful :smile:
  • sutolani@gmail.com
    My question is simple. I am not a developer. My Code developed by someone else was working till approx 3 days back. Today, I am not getting the login screen where I used to enter my userid and Password.

    All I want is a conformation that NO CHANGE has been made at Zerodha in Kite Connect, impacting the login/Session exchange/Symbol download steps. Kindly check the Change Management log for last 3 days. Thats all
  • tonystark
    There is no change in the KiteConnect. When we do, we will announce in this forum. Since the development is done by a third party, I recommend you to contact them for faster solution. For giving a context you can inform them following:

    For login, you seem to be using outdated version of Internet Explorer component which is not supported by Kite. For security and performance upgrades we update Kite almost every week. And this seems to have affected the Internet Explorer component you are using. For complying with best security practices and compatibility with Kite use any other browser component like CefSharp which uses Chromium. And make sure you keep all the components upto date.
  • sutolani@gmail.com
    Ok. So basically you are saying that there is no change on KiteConnect, but some Microsoft windows update which has caused a problem?
  • dbkumar
    me too getting blank login screen since Friday it was working fine
  • sutolani@gmail.com
    Yes. I think even mine was working till Friday. If you are a programmer can you provide Tony Start with "An error message with status code, stack trace of the exception, sample code to reproduce the issue or even a screenshot would be helpful"

    Also, it would help me if you let me know what change you made?
  • tonystark
    No. Change happened in Kite which you use for login. We update them every now and then with industry best practices to avoid external hacking threats and to keep user's accounts safe.

    The problem is Microsoft never updates their Internet Explorer component anymore with such security updates. Support ended earlier this year and use of that component is no longer recommended by Microsoft. The most secure browsing is guaranteed only with the latest Edge browser. The developer you have partnered with seems unaware of this issue and didn't make necessary changes in the code.
  • tonystark
    You can provide this link to the developer to replace that outdated component: https://www.codeproject.com/Articles/990346/Using-HTML-as-UI-Elements-in-a-WinForms-Applicatio
  • dbkumar
    it is not working with internet explorer 11 and it is working with chrome and microsoft edge...what could be the problem with IE 11 ?
  • saran88_tanvi
    Facing similar problem, using .net winforms
  • mrsspsurya
    It has been fixed for me with chromium browser. Thanks @tonystark for help.
  • sutolani@gmail.com
    mrsspsurya...Could you kindly post the previous code with IE and new code with Chromium. This will help a lot of us, who arent very good at coding. Thanks
  • tonystark
    @dbkumar IE was never updated by Microsoft. It is years behind in terms of security and web standards. For an example ES6, released in 2015, is the latest standard of JavaScript used by all browsers. You can see here IE is missing almost everything ES6 adds.

    It is better to stay away from IE and the components it provides. Microsoft themselves have done it by migrating their Edge browser to Chromium engine.

    @saran88_tanvi Refer the codeproject link I mentioned above
  • mrsspsurya
    sutolani, Sent email to your email ID [email protected] with solution.
  • saran88_tanvi
    @tonystark thank you for the reference, working now.
  • arunpanjala
    arunpanjala edited June 2020
    @mrsspsurya Could you also send me the previous code with IE and new code with Chromium. It would be great help. I tried my hand using the codeproject link, but not able to get the exact solution. Looking forward to your help. Thanks in advance :-)

    My email ID is [email protected]
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