Open 117.00, High 125.25, Low 115.00, Close - Blank
The current price shown on NSR and Zerodha Kite chart at this time is 118. I would expect the close price to show 118 from the getQuote method OHLC data structure. Please suggest why API is returning 113.3 while the last trade price at the time was 118?
Hi Sujith, Thanks. May i know what is the best API(other than streaming) to get Last traded price for any stock at any time. Given the above scenario where close price is previous close, the getQuote cannot be used for this purpose as i need current price and not previous days closing price.
Close value 113.3 is previous day's close.
Thanks. May i know what is the best API(other than streaming) to get Last traded price for any stock at any time. Given the above scenario where close price is previous close, the getQuote cannot be used for this purpose as i need current price and not previous days closing price.
You can use historical data api. Checkout documentation