I am trying to run the below code, the NSE stock button comes up, the BSE stock button doesnt come up. Any help on this is greatly appreciated. <!DOCTYPE html>
Stock Execution Page | Welcome
th, td { text-align: left; padding: 8px; }
tr:nth-child(even){background-color: #f2f2f2}
Submit Basket
KiteConnect.ready(function() { // Initialize a new Kite instance. // You can initialize multiple instances if you need. var kite = new KiteConnect("nklkoi92jn50mf04");
// Add a stock to the basket kite.add({"exchange":"BSE","tradingsymbol":"500875","quantity":272,"transaction_type":"SELL","order_type":"MARKET","variety":"regular","price":198.3,"tag":"BB","Amount":"53937.6"}); kite.add({"exchange":"NSE","tradingsymbol":"KSCL","quantity":85,"transaction_type":"SELL","order_type":"MARKET","variety":"regular","price":494.9,"tag":"BB","Amount":"42066.5"});
// Register an (optional) callback. kite.finished(function(status, request_token) { alert("Finished. Status is " + status); });
// Render the in-built button inside a given target kite.renderButton("#default-button");
// OR, link the basket to any existing element you want kite.link("#custom-button"); });
Testing bse ticker with zerodha kite publisher api
One needs a Kite Connect app to use Kite Ticker. One can't get ticks on a third-party website because of CORS. kiteconnectjs is a nodejs library that can't be used on a frond-end app.
Thanks Sujith. The code snippet I have pasted is for kite publisher and it worked for the NSE stock kite.add({"exchange":"NSE","tradingsymbol":"KSCL","quantity":85,"transaction_type":"SELL","order_type":"MARKET","variety":"regular","price":494.9,"tag":"BB","Amount":"42066.5"});
i.e. it comes up on the zerodha page when click on submit basket and am able to execute the trade.
However the below one for BSE doesnt show up kite.add({"exchange":"NSE","tradingsymbol":"KSCL","quantity":85,"transaction_type":"SELL","order_type":"MARKET","variety":"regular","price":494.9,"tag":"BB","Amount":"42066.5"});
One can't get ticks on a third-party website because of CORS. kiteconnectjs is a nodejs library that can't be used on a frond-end app.
i.e. it comes up on the zerodha page when click on submit basket and am able to execute the trade.
However the below one for BSE doesnt show up