Incorrect Holdings being received

So, lets say we have 1000 Reliance Industries shares out of which we have pledged 500 (collateral), T1 is 250 and realized (free) is 250

But we are only receiving total as 500( T1 : 250, Realized: 250)

We are not receiving collateral quantity so in our software it incorrectly shows only 500 shares although user has 1000 shares in reality.

When he logs into console, he can see it 1000.

Kindly fix this and show the correct collateral quantity.

  • rakeshr
    Yes, pledged won't be shown in the trading terminal(kite), as pledged shares are not in your Demat so it won’t show up on the trading terminal.
    You need to check them only in Console.
  • omtechnologies
    @rakeshr ji, as per the new SEBI norms, the pledged shares always remain in our DP. That was earlier that pledged shares were removed from DP. Infact we can see our pledged shares in the easi and easiest app of cdsl.

    I think the logic in kite is outdated and may be worth considering updating.

    Or maybe we can have a api to console kind of thing so we don't end up showing wrong holdings to users.

    Thanks for your great support.

    Cheers !
  • themohammedfaisal
    @omtechnologies, Yes, the stocks remain in your DP, we've show only tradeable holdings on Kite currently. I understand that you require the pledge holdings too but we dont have any APIs from Console to expose.

    However, we are working on making instant unpledging and sale possible on Kite, which would make these shares available on Kite. This is on our to-do list and will be done soon.
  • omtechnologies
    @themohammedfaisal thanks for quick response. That is great news as instant unpledging will put zerodha at par with other big brokers like Angel etc. who already have instant automatic unpledging.

    Cheers !
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