python script for short straddle

looking for readymade python script for short straddle, strangle automation.

Please email me at richard _at_ florix dot net
  • mukesh_Chaudhary
    mukesh_Chaudhary edited March 2021
    Check my own algorithm working live. It takes both short/long straddle depending upon market. Whole script is written in python.
  • rejeesh31
    Use this github for code and this youtube channel to learn how it works. High quality professionally written code and free to use. Goodluck!
  • Rahulfortunerfx
    You can contact me
  • DD1365
    I am a full time developer and have been trading since 2012. I am a Zerodha client since 2015 and have been profitably running Cloud based Intraday and Positional Trading and Investing Algorithms for Index F&O and Stocks since past 3 years. I design, deploy, and manage algorithms for myself, many retail clients and few prop desks. Anyone needing my support can reach me at: +91-9749-521-023
  • DD1365
    I am a full time developer and have been trading since 2012. I am a Zerodha client since 2015 and have been profitably running Cloud based Intraday and Positional Trading and Investing Algorithms for Index F&O and Stocks since past 3 years. I design, deploy, and manage algorithms for myself, many retail clients and few prop desks. Anyone needing my support can reach me at: +91-9749-521-023
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