suggestions to enhance in SDK

Hello Zerodha tech team,

1. Provide mapping methods, for example:
public GTTParams buildGttParams(GTT gtt)
public GTTParams buildGttParamsBasedOnHolding(Holding holding)

The above mthods helps in modifying GTT based on Holdings and current GTT orders.
Currently every developer has to code these methods.

2. Holdings objects has String data type for "lastPrice" column, Any reason why?

Started my algo platform one week back. I will give more suggestions as and when I encounter in coming days.

So far, experience with SDK is good!.

  • LX5446
    3. Can you provide kiteConnect.modifyGTT function with GTT as the parameter.
    Currently it takes GTT id and GTTParams as the parameters. If we have to update existing GTT then I need to convert to GTTParam. Update must happen on the Object ideally.
  • sujith
    Kite Connect is purely an execution platform. We don't intend to provide solutions to write strategies.
    javakiteconnect is an open-source library, you can fork it and modify it as per your convinence.
  • gautamsatpathy
    @sujith That is an unfortunate position to take by Zerodha since you have publicly positioned the Kite Connect Java Library as the "The official Java client for communicating with Kite Connect API."

    The Java library is amateurish at best. There are a lot of problems with it, starting with the way it has been coded. The implementation is not just incomplete for an "Official Library", it is inconsistent - which is way worse.

    Anyone trying to use this library would be an experienced Java developer and we can all fork the code or build our own library. That is exactly what I am doing at this time - writing my own library with calls to the Zerodha Java client left at the interface layer. That, to me, is a better approach as I don't have to deal with the code that is currently in your client.

    The quality of the code does not reflect well on Zerodha.
  • sujith
    sujith edited June 2021
    2. Holdings objects has String data type for "lastPrice" column, Any reason why?
    We will fix the inconsistency issues like this. We don't intend to write helper functions. As you mentioned, you can make javakiteconnect as an interface layer and continue.
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