getting tick into DataFrame instead of printing it.

If we have to use algo with the data from web socket we should analyse data.
def on_tick(tick, ws):
this only prints the trick data and I have modified the above to declaring a list and list.append(tick) but nothing works. I saw that someone using db_method but I think module obsolete with python 3 and above.
  • sujith
    Ticker will be on different thread, so it won't work. I would suggest you to directly write to database.
  • qtrader
    @sujith : So you suggest to write to the sql database at the on_tick method?
  • sujith
    Yes. I would suggest doing it.
  • naz
    @qtrader might be useful to append the tick to pandas DataFrame object and use it from there. You will have to create that as global variable though.
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