order not placed

no error thrown while running the code but order was not placed

"order is placed for ce_sell symbol BANKNIFTY2232435600CE
order is placed for pe_sell symbol BANKNIFTY2232435600PE
stop loss order is placed for ce_sell symbol BANKNIFTY2232435600CE
stop loss order is placed for pe_Sell symbol BANKNIFTY2232435600PE"
    Paste your order placing code. This shouldn't happen.
  • 97srinidhi
    the code is working fine but this keeps on happening once in 15 days on any of the 3 accounts
  • 97srinidhi
    not able to paste the code for some reason
  • sujith
    You might have received 400 error while placing order. It is thrown by our mini RMS and there won't be a orderbook entry for that.
  • 97srinidhi
    qty is less than the total margin required
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