The exception message, localizedmessage and cause are all null. For better readability- here are the params orderParams.tradingsymbol = NIFTY2290818100CE = NFO orderParams.price =0.0 orderParams.quantity = 50 orderParams.disclosedQuanitity = 50 orderParams.transactionType = BUY orderParams.orderType =MARKET orderParams.validity = DAY orderParams.product = NRML The executeOrder is called with kiteConnect.placeOrder(orderParams, Constants.VARIETY_REGULAR);
The exception message is not clear here.
For better readability- here are the params
orderParams.tradingsymbol = NIFTY2290818100CE = NFO
orderParams.price =0.0
orderParams.quantity = 50
orderParams.disclosedQuanitity = 50
orderParams.transactionType = BUY
orderParams.orderType =MARKET
orderParams.validity = DAY
orderParams.product = NRML
The executeOrder is called with
kiteConnect.placeOrder(orderParams, Constants.VARIETY_REGULAR);
Its as follows
TOTP is mandatory to place orders on third-party apps. Learn how to set up TOTP for your account [here]