Does KiteTicker support MCX and CDS tokens for Websockets sessions

I am new to websockets, just want to know if kiteTicker supports commodities on MCX and Currency on CDS. Are these tokens correct for instruments below
MCX-FUT - GOLDM22NOVFUT - Token 62900999,
MCX-FUT - SILVERM22NOVFUT Token: 59897095,
I am getting 1006 error
  • sujith
    The above instrument tokens are correct. You can always look for instrument tokens from the current day's instruments master dump. You can check out documentation to know more.

    While using websockets API, you need to make sure that you are not blocking the main thread that is receiving the ticks. You can check out pykiteconnect FAQs to know more about the issue.
  • ArunH
    Thanks a ton for pointing me in the precise direction...
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