Step by Step to login via App to the API Zerodha Account

Hi, I am trying the first steps of logging into the Zerodha account using API KITE CONNECT. Is there a detailed step by step process ?

The following are my step so far:
KiteConnect kiteSdk = new KiteConnect("eya65voe10jorwzx");
String url = kiteSdk.getLoginUrl();

UserModel userModel = null;
userModel = kiteSdk.requestAccessToken("xxxxx", "yyyyyy");


What value to put for xxxx and yyyyy ?
kiteSdk.setUserId --> Shoudl i give my Zerodha account ID ?
Should i put all of this in one set of sequential steps as the App starts in onCreate ?
  • vishnus
    Hi @jyothish

    Please refer to the Java documentation:
    All the methods and its arguments are explained well there.

    For requestAccessToken, it takes two parameters:
    1. requestToken - received from login process.
    2. apiSecret - which is unique for each app.

    setUserId is to set the zerodha user id in current context. You can see the test code for reference:

  • jyothish
    Thanks Vishnu, I was able to make some progress but got an error at this line:
    userModel = kiteSdk.requestAccessToken("svlo1ylhol1wbuttybr5w5y7r37t30ml", "secret key");

    below is error:

    01-30 21:36:21.843: E/AndroidRuntime(32759): FATAL EXCEPTION: main
    01-30 21:36:21.843: E/AndroidRuntime(32759): Process: jinga.fin.stock2, PID: 32759
    01-30 21:36:21.843: E/AndroidRuntime(32759): java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: No static method encodeHexString([B)Ljava/lang/String; in class Lorg/apache/commons/codec/binary/Hex; or its super classes (declaration of 'org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Hex' appears in /system/framework/ext.jar)
    01-30 21:36:21.843: E/AndroidRuntime(32759): at org.apache.commons.codec.digest.DigestUtils.sha256Hex(
    01-30 21:36:21.843: E/AndroidRuntime(32759): at com.rainmatter.kiteconnect.KiteConnect.requestAccessToken(
    01-30 21:36:21.843: E/AndroidRuntime(32759): at jinga.fin.stock2.LandingPage$2.onClick(
    01-30 21:36:21.843: E/AndroidRuntime(32759): at android.view.View.performClick(
    01-30 21:36:21.843: E/AndroidRuntime(32759): at android.view.View$
    01-30 21:36:21.843: E/AndroidRuntime(32759): at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(
    01-30 21:36:21.843: E/AndroidRuntime(32759): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
    01-30 21:36:21.843: E/AndroidRuntime(32759): at android.os.Looper.loop(
    01-30 21:36:21.843: E/AndroidRuntime(32759): at
    01-30 21:36:21.843: E/AndroidRuntime(32759): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
    01-30 21:36:21.843: E/AndroidRuntime(32759): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
    01-30 21:36:21.843: E/AndroidRuntime(32759): at$
    01-30 21:36:21.843: E/AndroidRuntime(32759): at

    Can you please check why this error ?
  • jyothish
    the thread you are pointing is my own thread
    Can you point me to a solved example ?
  • sujith
    @jyothish, file is a working example.
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