def Export15minuteHistoricalDataByDate(from_date, to_date, symbol): if from_date > to_date: return token = db.get_instrument_token(symbol) if token == -1: print('Invalid symbol provided') return 'None' # provide interval as per candle size given above interval = '15minute' records = kite.historical_data(token, from_date=from_date, to_date=to_date, interval=interval) df = pd.DataFrame(records) if len(df) == 0: print('No data returned') return df.drop('volume', inplace=True, axis=1) df.set_index('date',inplace=True) return df
while True: today ='%Y-%m-%d') sdate = 'today' edate = 'today' df = Export15minuteHistoricalDataByDate(today, today, 'NTPC') df.to_csv('symbol.csv') data = pd.read_csv("symbol.csv", parse_dates=["date"], index_col="date") # Fetch 15 minute Data of the day df15min = data # assuming its the same data high = df15min.high.iloc[0] close = df15min.close.iloc[-2] if high < close: orderid = PlaceBuyOrderMarketNSE('NTPC', 100) print("Placed order with ID: {}".format(orderid)) break # Exit the loop after placing the order time.sleep(1) # sleep for 1 seconds before continuing
Can anyone help me to write python code to place stop loss order at 1% of buy order price after successful placement of buy order
1. When you get filled completely
2. When you get filled partially
In both the cases you should start placing SL orders as per the fill and update as more fills happen