will postbacks be received even for partial orders filled or complete fills?

lets say i buy 150 qty of a call contract on market type order. thats 10 lots.

1. these could be filled in parts. so will i get a postback for every part?

if yes, then

2. will the json have qty and price mentioned for each part thats filled?

im asking this becuase i want to be able to calculate accurate net/total value for my positions.
  • sujith
    You will get postback for every partial fill as well, but we suggest you to use postback as an event and fetch orderbook and check filled quantity for latest status on the orderbook.

    There are few edge cases wherein OMS sends multiple postbacks, one may contain old data and another new one. There are duplicates in some cases. We suggest fetching orderbook to check the latest filled quantity and order status.
    I see.

    So fetching exact order book can be done from kite.positions()?
  • sujith
    You can use this method.
    AAAAAAAAAA edited June 2024
    I see that it returns a list of orders. Anyway to know exactly whats in that list - without using it irl?

  • sujith
    There is no alternative to orderbook API. It is the only list that contains the latest status of the order and the filled_quantity value.
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