Are HTML buttons only for the specific Zerodha account holder?

Created a button here:

On clicking the button, apparently only meant for me ( So not relevant for visitors of the web page? Am I missing something? Could anyone explain the utility of this button.
  • DigitalSplendid
    Though anyone can sign-in or register, why there is mention of username (splendiddigital) in the initial screen? This is confusing as others might be under the impression that this button not meant for them.
  • sujith
    It is the name of the third party app that our users are logging into. That is how it is intended to work.
    Users must know that they are not logging into Kite web. They are logging in to the third party app.
  • Dom51
    As I know, HTML buttons on trading platforms like Zerodha are generally accessible to all users, not restricted to specific account holders. They are a common feature used for various trading actions and functionalities.
    If you are facing an issue, you have to reach out to the customer care of Zerodha.

    Hope it helps!
  • Frank833
    HTML buttons aren’t just for specific Zerodha account holders. you can use them for various things on the site, regardless of the account. but if you're asking about some specific buttons on the Zerodha site, then there might be some functions available only for logged-in users.

    Best regands Christopher [url=]kite[/url]
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