Issue with Websocket Connection

dknaix edited August 2024 in Python client
Connection error: 1006 - connection was closed uncleanly (peer dropped the TCP connection without previous WebSocket closing handshake) unable to recieve tick, is there any change is the system

Error,0,error parsing request
  • rakeshr
    Error,0,error parsing request
    Can you check, if you are sending valid mode and token list?
  • dknaix
    dknaix edited August 2024
    haven't changed the code since months please help last week everything was smooth today only this issue i am facing @rakeshr
  • dknaix
    dknaix edited August 2024
    Getting Error in the Twisted library python , i am using the threaded mode there is error in format coming from server please check i have tested with other api keys but still same issue @rakeshr

    File "/home/dknaix/.local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/autobahn/twisted/", line 322, in _onMessage
    self.onMessage(payload, isBinary)
    File "/home/dknaix/.local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/kiteconnect/", line 71, in onMessage
    self.factory.on_message(self, payload, is_binary)
    File "/home/dknaix/.local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/kiteconnect/", line 679, in _on_message
    self.on_ticks(self, self._parse_binary(payload))
    builtins.KeyError: 256265

    after trying to subscribe to nifty
    ws.set_mode(ws.MODE_FULL, [256265])
  • dknaix
    from kiteconnect import KiteConnect, KiteTicker

    # Initialize KiteConnect object with API key
    api_key = "token"
    access_token = "accesstoken"
    kite = KiteConnect(api_key=api_key)

    # Set the access token

    # Define the instrument token (example: Nifty 50)
    instrument_token = "256265" # Replace with the actual instrument token you want to subscribe to

    # Callback to handle the real-time data
    def on_ticks(ws, ticks):
    """ On receiving live market data """
    print("Ticks: {}".format(ticks))

    # Callback to handle connection status
    def on_connect(ws, response):
    """ On successful connection """
    print("Connected successfully")
    ws.subscribe([instrument_token]) # Subscribe to instrument token

    # Callback to handle disconnection
    def on_close(ws, code, reason):
    """ On websocket close """
    print("Connection closed: Code={}, Reason={}".format(code, reason))

    # Create KiteTicker object
    kite_ticker = KiteTicker(api_key, access_token)

    # Assign the callbacks
    kite_ticker.on_ticks = on_ticks
    kite_ticker.on_connect = on_connect
    kite_ticker.on_close = on_close

    # Infinite loop to keep the script running
    print("Starting the WebSocket...")

    this code is also not running getting the following error
    Connection error: 0 - error parsing request
  • rakeshr
    Connection error: 0 - error parsing request
    You will need to clean up your subscription token list and ensure that it consists of integers with no white spaces in the list.
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