What do unfilled_quantity, pending_quantity, disclosed_quantity and market_protection mean?

The following response is received on any order update:
{'account_id': '****', 'unfilled_quantity': 0, 'checksum': '', 'placed_by': '******', 'order_id': '11111111111', 'exchange_order_id': '11111111111111111', 'parent_order_id': None, 'status': 'OPEN', 'status_message': None, 'status_message_raw': None, 'order_timestamp': '2023-08-11 12:36:03', 'exchange_update_timestamp': '2023-08-19 12:36:03', 'exchange_timestamp': '2023-08-11 12:36:03', 'variety': 'regular', 'exchange': 'NFO', 'tradingsymbol': 'BANKNIFTY2482151800CE', 'instrument_token': 14968066, 'order_type': 'LIMIT', 'transaction_type': 'SELL', 'validity': 'DAY', 'product': 'MIS', 'quantity': 25, 'disclosed_quantity': 0, 'price': 50, 'trigger_price': 0, 'average_price': 0, 'filled_quantity': 0, 'pending_quantity': 25, 'cancelled_quantity': 0, 'market_protection': 0, 'meta': {}, 'tag': None, 'guid': '******'}
In this, what do the following terms mean- unfilled_quantity, pending_quantity, disclosed_quantity and market_protection?
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