Need help to calculate volume from tick data

I am having trouble calculating volume using tick data that is not near. Can someone help me calculate the volume from tick data [ WebSocket ] using Python?

so far I tried few options like, but didn't helped
- tick [sorted by exchange_timestamp]
- volume traded [0] - volume traded [-1] vice-versa
- volume traded [0 from last min] - (volume traded [-1] / volume traded [0]) vice-versa
- sum(total_buy_quantity) - sum(total_sell_quantity) vice-versa

but not even close to actual no
  • ANL
    You don't have to include total_buy_quantity and total_sell_quantity to calculate volume traded.
    You can calculate any difference of two objects by doing T2 - T1 i.e,

    volume_traded[-1] - Volume_traded[0]
    Volume_traded will be computed if your indexing is accurate.
  • marthanda
    somehow its not working, tried early

    min, volume_traded[-1] - Volume_traded[0]

    30th min, 11387502 - 11355840 = 31,662
    29th min, 11353352 - 11328103 = 25,249
    28th min, 11328103 - 11293612 = 34,491

    but actually looking for:
    29th min, 29,146
    28th min, 45,631
    27th min, 46,432
    26th min, 36,297
  • marthanda
    marthanda edited January 20
    Query which I am using,

    select volume_traded, total_buy_quantity, total_sell_quantity from 2025_tradeplus.012025tick
    where instrument_token = 738561 and exchange_timestamp between '2025-01-20 14:29:00' and '2025-01-20 14:29:59' order by exchange_timestamp
  • anodo123
    Just a guess, in the exchange_timestamp, there might be milliseconds data also '2025-01-20 14:29:59' this query doesn't consider miliseconds, you might be missing some volumes, receives in these milliseconds, please check.
  • ANL
    somehow its not working, tried early

    min, volume_traded[-1] - Volume_traded[0]

    30th min, 11387502 - 11355840 = 31,662
    29th min, 11353352 - 11328103 = 25,249
    28th min, 11328103 - 11293612 = 34,491

    but actually looking for:
    29th min, 29,146
    28th min, 45,631
    27th min, 46,432
    26th min, 36,297
    Didn't get you? As i said,
    You can calculate any difference of two objects by doing T2 - T1 i.e,
    eg: volume_traded:
    100 T1
    130 T2

    vol = T2 -T1# 130 -100 = 30

    Another way is also same:

    100 T1
    110 T2
    120 T3
    130 T4

    T2-T1 = 10, T3-T1 = 10, T4-T3 = 10
    vol = 30

    Are you having trouble understanding why you are using TBQ and TSQ to determine volume?
    If you have the right indexing, this can be completed quite quickly.
  • marthanda
    please check example which I share with image, I am referring volume_traded as you said but its not getting same
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