Hi there, Something strange that I observed today where the websocket did not receive any ticks for the subscribed instruments after certain time. There was no connection drop or any other error or any network related issue that I observed, in fact this was the first time when something like this had happened. The tick data was last received at "09:51:53" AM. The session remained active until the market got closed and even the session termination was successful. Any idea what could have gone wrong and how this can be handled or identified ? I am using kiteconnect ver. 3.1.12. Thanks.
Yes, that's set to true, and that works great whenever there is a connection drop or any other n/w related issue. Though in this particular instance connection was established throughout the day but no data was streaming after the said timestamp. Not sure if providing any values like ray-id or connection id will be helpful (btw I can confirm that connection id that was generated when the session was started was the same that was used to terminate it after market close). Thanks.
We won't be able to figure out anything with connection_id. We haven't come across this issue. You may handle this at your end by doing unsubscribe and subscribe again.