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string.Concat("api_key=", apiKey,
"&access_token=", accessToken,
"&tradingsymbol=", kInstrument.tradingsymbol,
"&transaction_type=", orderAction,
"&order_type=", orderType,
"&product=", product,
"&quantity=", Math.Max(1, order.Quantity * kInstrument.lot_size),
"&price=", order.LimitPrice,
"&trigger_price=", order.StopPrice,
"&validity=", timeInForce);
{"status": "success", "data": [{"status": "CANCELLED", "product": "CNC", "pending_quantity": 0, "order_type": "LIMIT", "exchange": "NSE", "order_id": "170405000616033", "price": 1094.02, "exchange_order_id": "1100000004464082", "order_timestamp": "2017-04-05 16:09:08", "transaction_type": "BUY", "trigger_price": 0.0, "validity": "DAY", "disclosed_quantity": 0, "status_message": null, "average_price": 1094.02, "quantity": 50}, {"status": "OPEN", "product": "CNC", "pending_quantity": 49, "order_type": "LIMIT", "exchange": "NSE", "order_id": "170405000616033", "price": 1094.02, "exchange_order_id": "1100000004464082", "order_timestamp": "2017-04-05 15:22:57", "transaction_type": "BUY", "trigger_price": 0.0, "validity": "DAY", "disclosed_quantity": 0, "status_message": "16346 : Order cannot be modified", "average_price": 1094.02, "quantity": 50}, {"status": "NOT MODIFIED", "product": "CNC", "pending_quantity": 50, "order_type": "LIMIT", "exchange": "NSE", "order_id": "170405000616033", "price": 1094.2, "exchange_order_id": "1100000004464082", "order_timestamp": "2017-04-05 15:22:57", "transaction_type": "BUY", "trigger_price": 0.0, "validity": "DAY", "disclosed_quantity": 0, "status_message": "16346 : Order cannot be modified", "average_price": 1094.02, "quantity": 50}, {"status": "OPEN", "product": "CNC", "pending_quantity": 49, "order_type": "LIMIT", "exchange": "NSE", "order_id": "170405000616033", "price": 1094.02, "exchange_order_id": "1100000004464082", "order_timestamp": "2017-04-05 15:21:36", "transaction_type": "BUY", "trigger_price": 0.0, "validity": "DAY", "disclosed_quantity": 0, "status_message": null, "average_price": 1094.02, "quantity": 50}, {"status": "MODIFY PENDING", "product": "CNC", "pending_quantity": 50, "order_type": "LIMIT", "exchange": "NSE", "order_id": "170405000616033", "price": 1094.02, "exchange_order_id": "1100000004464082", "order_timestamp": "2017-04-05 15:21:13", "transaction_type": "BUY", "trigger_price": 0.0, "validity": "DAY", "disclosed_quantity": 0, "status_message": null, "average_price": 0.0, "quantity": 50}, {"status": "MODIFY VALIDATION PENDING", "product": "CNC", "pending_quantity": 50, "order_type": "LIMIT", "exchange": "NSE", "order_id": "170405000616033", "price": 1094.02, "exchange_order_id": "1100000004464082", "order_timestamp": "2017-04-05 15:21:13", "transaction_type": "BUY", "trigger_price": 0.0, "validity": "DAY", "disclosed_quantity": 0, "status_message": null, "average_price": 0.0, "quantity": 50}, {"status": "OPEN", "product": "CNC", "pending_quantity": 50, "order_type": "LIMIT", "exchange": "NSE", "order_id": "170405000616033", "price": 1094.02, "exchange_order_id": "1100000004464082", "order_timestamp": "2017-04-05 15:04:56", "transaction_type": "BUY", "trigger_price": 0.0, "validity": "DAY", "disclosed_quantity": 0, "status_message": null, "average_price": 0.0, "quantity": 50}, {"status": "OPEN PENDING", "product": "CNC", "pending_quantity": 50, "order_type": "LIMIT", "exchange": "NSE", "order_id": "170405000616033", "price": 1094.02, "exchange_order_id": null, "order_timestamp": "2017-04-05 15:04:56", "transaction_type": "BUY", "trigger_price": 0.0, "validity": "DAY", "disclosed_quantity": 0, "status_message": null, "average_price": 0.0, "quantity": 50}, {"status": "VALIDATION PENDING", "product": "CNC", "pending_quantity": 50, "order_type": "LIMIT", "exchange": "NSE", "order_id": "170405000616033", "price": 1094.02, "exchange_order_id": null, "order_timestamp": "2017-04-05 15:04:56", "transaction_type": "BUY", "trigger_price": 0.0, "validity": "DAY", "disclosed_quantity": 0, "status_message": null, "average_price": 0.0, "quantity": 50}, {"status": "PUT ORDER REQ RECEIVED", "product": "CNC", "pending_quantity": 0, "order_type": "LIMIT", "exchange": "NSE", "order_id": "170405000616033", "price": 1094.02, "exchange_order_id": null, "order_timestamp": "2017-04-05 15:04:56", "transaction_type": "BUY", "trigger_price": 0.0, "validity": "DAY", "disclosed_quantity": 0, "status_message": null, "average_price": 0.0, "quantity": 50}]}
As you know, it is the log of all the states that an order undergoes in the system.
It might be a intermediate state, as you can see initially it is 50 and again it comes back to 49.
To avoid confusion, it shouldn't have logged that state only.
We will keep it in mind for new API.