For some symbols i am not getting the live streaming with websockets for example USDINR MAY 61.25 CE.
if i pass instrument token ok this symbol to websocket i not getting any data and the remain values of the symbols are changing can you clarify me the issue.
for example i added reliance nse to market watch by sending instrument token to server i ill get the live data and I am passing the instrument token of USDINR MAY 61.25 CE along with reliance instrument token ,I am not getting data for USDINR and the reliance data is coming some other values
You are not getting feeds because it is not being traded.
Can you elaborate?
Can you let us know which kiteconnect client are you using?
Are you using javakiteconnect, pykiteconncet, kiteconnectjs or phpkiteconnect or your own client?