What is the rate limit for getorder() and getorders()?

We wanted to understand what are the rate limits for getorder() and getorders()?

Also, what is the difference between the above two functions and when do you recommend us to use which one?
  • sujith
    Hi @arnavsaxena,
    All HTTP requests are limited to 3 per second.

    getOrder(order_id) will return you lifecycle of an order in the system.
    Once an order is placed it will go through many statuses like put_request_received, validation_pending, open_pending, open. All these states details are fetched using getOrder(order_id) API call.

    getOrders() will return orderbook of the user.

    For more information, you can take a look at documentation.
  • arnavsaxena

    When you say all HTTP requests are limited to 3 per second, does it mean cumulatively or independently?

    Also, just to clarify, placeorder() is limited to 5 per second right? As per your answer in https://kite.trade/forum/discussion/comment/5736

  • sujith
    The rate limiting is cumulative.
    Yes, you are right, only placeOrder() is limited to 5.
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