Getting Enter Valid Price Error When Trying to Place Bracket Order

When I am trying to Place Order, I am getting below Error. Please let me know What is the Problem


Request :
{'product': 'NRML', 'exchange': 'NSE', 'price': '3.88', 'trailing_stoploss': '', 'stoploss_value': '5', 'validity': 'DAY', 'tradingsymbol': 'SUNDARAM', 'order_type': 'LIMIT', 'access_token': u'MYTOKEN', 'transaction_type': 'BUY', 'api_key': u'MYAPIKEY', 'squareoff_value': '1', 'quantity': '1'}

Response :
{"status": "error", "message": "Enter Valid Price", "error_type": "OrderException"}
  • lazydragonfist
    When I change Price from 3.88 to 4,Order Placed What is the Difference ?

    URL :
    Request : {'product': 'NRML', 'exchange': 'NSE', 'price': '4', 'trailing_stoploss': '', 'stoploss_value': '5', 'validity': 'DAY', 'tradingsymbol': 'SUNDARAM', 'order_type': 'LIMIT', 'access_token': u'MYTOKEN', 'transaction_type': 'BUY', 'api_key': u'MYAPIKEY', 'squareoff_value': '1', 'quantity': '1'}
    Response : {"status": "success", "data": {"order_id": "ORDER_ID"}}
  • lazydragonfist
    After Order Placed successfully, Order getting Rejected,
    Error Message
    rms:blocked for nse_cm sundaram-eq bo block type: all
    Where can I get this info, i am unable to find these Details in Documentation
  • sujith
    All the price related values like price, trigger_price, square off value, target value, trailing stop-loss must be sent as a value which must be the modulus of tick size.
    You can check out the excel sheet which has the list of instruments that are not allowed for intraday trading.
  • Kanchana
    @sujith My order is rejected.
    It is a sell order. 171026000408610


    Status: rms:blocked for equity bo block type: all

    I dont find SHRIRAMCIT under list of blocked stocks in the excel sheet you mentioned.

    Please let me know if the JSON object structure I mentioned is correct.
  • sujith
    When the issue had happened second leg order were not getting placed. Hence we had blocked bo and co.
    It should be resolved by now.
    Please stop hijacking threads, create a new thread for new queries.
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