FATAL ERROR: CALL_AND_RETRY_LAST Allocation failed - JavaScript heap out of memory

I am quite new to Kite Connect, so bear with me for any mistakes.
Today is my first day, I am using kiteconnectjs trying to automate the trade.
After initializing kite connect with proper login procedure, I wanted to get the list of orders. I havent placed any orders though. I expected some response with empty array, but to my surprise got a JS heap out of memory error and nodeJS instance crashed.
Here is the full error as is:

<--- Last few GCs --->

15371 ms: Mark-sweep 1386.6 (1434.5) -> 1386.6 (1434.5) MB, 1025.0 / 0.0 ms [allocation failure] [GC in old space requested].
16402 ms: Mark-sweep 1386.6 (1434.5) -> 1387.6 (1418.5) MB, 1030.5 / 0.0 ms [last resort gc].
17437 ms: Mark-sweep 1387.6 (1418.5) -> 1388.7 (1418.5) MB, 1035.4 / 0.0 ms [last resort gc].

<--- JS stacktrace --->

==== JS stack trace =========================================

Security context: 00000269AEACFB61
2: encode(aka encode) [D:\Balaji\stock\node_modules\request\node_modules\qs\lib\utils.js:~118] [pc=0000029379D2BA40] (this=00000269AEA04381 ,str=0000013EE0E6AC99 )
3: arguments adaptor frame: 2->1
4: stringify(aka stringify) [D:\Balaji\stock\node_modules\request\node_modules\qs\lib\stringify.js:~32] [pc=0000029379D2C7A7] (this=00000269AEA04381 <u...

FATAL ERROR: CALL_AND_RETRY_LAST Allocation failed - JavaScript heap out of memory

The above error is thrown the moment kite.orders() is executed.
Execution is fine till the earlier statement of "kite.orders()" and the next statement doesnt execute.
I tried after market hours.

While I can test this again tomorrow during market hours, Let me know if this is expected in any other case.

  • Kanchana
    The error is still seen during market hours.
    Now this is definitely a showstopper to me.
    I use NodeJS v6.9.5 and latest kiteconnectjs in Windows10.
    Any help is much appreciated.
  • Vivek
    Please check the Github issue you have raised regarding this issue.
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