@Kailash , Ever since I started using Kite Connect, it's been going on like that. I don't know what's wrong. Effectively, I can't use Kite Web to make any trades.
@vivek @Kailash In the WebSocketApp class which is used by WebSocket class, there is a method run_forever whose signature is as follows:
def run_forever(self, sockopt=None, sslopt=None, ping_interval=0, ping_timeout=None,http_proxy_host=None, http_…
@nithin Tick data definitely costs a bomb , but we only need that much data as we see/receive while trading live (live stream). It'd make backtesting more accurate.
Thank you for adding it to your to-do list.
@rahulchitale If they provide sub-minute data, backtesting would actually start making sense, because we are talking about intraday strategies wherein positions may last only a few seconds to a maximum of 0.5-1 hour.
Thanks for your input.
@vivek How exactly are trailing stops implemented? Do you know of any online resources where I can see usual implementations for different order types?
@Kailash @vivek
When will we have this feature : multiple orders execution in one go? Can you please tell me rough timeline?
Will it be available by the end of this year?
I really need it.
@Kailash How do I do this:
Buy 300 shares of RELIANCE at 9:46:00am
Sell 500 shares of SBIN at 9:46:00am
Sell 800 shares of INDIACEM at 9:46:00am
Sell 1000 shares of WIPRO at 9:46:00am
Buy 5000 shares of RCOM at 9:46:00am
Buy 1000 shares of APOLLOTYR…