What is the proper way to save and analyze live data for trading logic?

How to save and analyze live data for making trading decisions (intraday trades) that will involve trading multiple instruments at the same time? What is the right way?
Any pointers?
  • sujith
    Whenever you get data in on tick store it in database and use the same data for analysis.
  • ahsan
    How can I save live tick into a variable? I want current price ticks which can be utilize for taking decision.
  • sujith
    Hi @ahsan,

    Once you subscribe for tokens, you get ticks in the following method,

    def on_tick(tick, ws):
    print tick

    Inside this method you can write to your database and use the same for analysis.

  • dummydost
    dummydost edited November 2016
    @ahsan If you are using Python store them in a list or panda's dataframe and then do your analysis.
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