Hey, this isn't available on Kite Connect yet. Primarily because the auction market doesn't open at the same time consistently, and the instruments are only published after the markets open. We're working on handling these quirks before we make this…
Hey @krishkalyani @amman777, it isn't scalable to offer data for free. There is a cost to maintaining the infrastructure to offer these APIs and data is quite a large part of that cost.
The OAuth wouldn't work from your home PC's IP since it would be different from the one attached to your app, so this wouldn't work.
I was wrong. Login from home IP and everything else from server should work too.
Fintech vendors will have vendor APIs where this will not be a problem. This static IP/client IP problem won't exist in that setup. The controls for vendors are different.
If anyone has made is custom trading platform for "manual trading". Even that…
Kite Connect is a suite of execution APIs that we are allowed to offer as brokers. A data-only API would require us to be data vendors, which we are not.
@namratasonawane all these concerns were discussed with the regulator. After a lot of back and forth, this was the least painful solution. The most painful being just all APIs being disallowed.
You'll have to use a service with a static IP. If the frequency of change in IP isn't too high, you can manually update it. Allowing change of IP with an API is not something I think is in the spirit of this regulation.
We stopped allowing order placement for MFs from Kite Connect when the orders needed payment to happen from the users' bank account, back in 2020. We'll update the documentation and remove these endpoints to prevent confusion.
Hey @maxhiten, I manage the team that handles such queries and requests at Zerodha (the compliance team behind kiteconnect(at)zerodha.com). It would be best if you write to this channel since it is our team's job to evaluate such projects. :-)
Nope. Priority is time-based. Order that hits the exchange orderbook first is validated first, if it can be filled, it is. If not, IOC gets cancelled and DAY gets entered into the depth and waits for fill.
No problem. I think there is a misunderstanding of the semantics here. IOC is the order validity. The type is still limit. So while the order is valid for a very short amount of time, the nature of the order and the price parameters used to match it…
This is in the nature of limit orders. The matching engine sees that you're offering to pay 135 rupees for a stock worth 130, which means you shouldn't mind the 5 rupee discount, so your order is filled at the best price available, which is better t…
xclude it entirely, while feeding into technical indicators
Yep, this is best practice.
form candles from ticks on your own is not a good one either, as you are not guaranteed to receive all the ticks of high volume scrips.
This isn't any different …
I don't get the logic. Why does the regulator need the user's IP address if he doesn't want to place an order? Data analysis and order placement are totally different. Data analysing, we do the computation with our PC, which is very private and does…
Have discussed this here: https://tradingqna.com/t/query-on-future-of-apis-for-traders/160288/52?u=matti
Basically, this circular distinguishes between algo orders and API orders. If the order rates are within a prescribed order-per-unit-time thres…
We've also emailed all the affected users with this information. So if you're wondering if this applies to you,
1. Check if your app was supposed to expire in the past 10 days.
2. If you're still unsure if this is relevant to you, check your email.
Yes, your app wouldn't have those permissions. This would have been explained before when your app was created. Best write to the business team on kiteconnect[at]zerodha[dot]com if there's a confusion regarding this.
This only talks about giving PoA for the demat account. The demat account is where your shares are stored. The transactions happen on the broker account. The demat account is attached to this broker account.
No, the Kite Connect terms of use clearly define the way data obtained from the APIs can be used. Violation of these terms leads to suspension of the account. This covers users.
Are you talking about kite connect websocket or kite charts? When you say that there are different sources of data feed, aren't we supposed to get feed (on websocket) only from 1 source which is meant for market participants?
What Faisal means is th…
This actually comes from point 6.c here. We're required to ensure that there's some session timeout. We use 1 day for this, but it could be shorter too.
Ah. @MAG @tradernoob I was wrong. My bad. This hasn't gone live yet. Here's the NSE circular: https://nsearchives.nseindia.com/content/circulars/MSD60724.pdf
This will only take effect in April.
Any idea why u started validating the quantity parameter which was optional to modify_order?
This change was meant for order placements. The validation on order_modify was an unintended side-effect.
Kite Team just makes the changes overnight without any announcement. It would be great, If you notify the users at least 24 hours before making the changes. 1 week would be better, but 24 hours is at least required!
You're right that we're expected …
It would be premature to speculate about this right now. This is being discussed with the regulator. The MC article is vague because that's just how much we know today. The final decision is yet to be made.
Hey @tradernoob, sorry for the late reply. As Sujith said earlier, we simply relay ticks that we receive as is. Any additional fields you've mentioned aren't available over our WS, but that isn't an indicator of any processing of ticks.
Answering this here for the benefit of anyone else who may have similar questions. The data from Kite Connect is for personal consumption only. For commercial purposes, one should purchase data from an exchange authorised data vendor.
There are no contradictions, Gautam. The documentation does not need to describe non-technical elements that you interact with when using the APIs. Also, usage of the APIs is contingent on knowing the underlying platform.
Your ask of having all of …
Hey Gautam, no Zerodha representative would want to offend a paying customer (or anybody else!).
When @sujith pointed out topics to understand definitions of terms like CNC/NRML, or how to determine if a position is long or short, or what Average T…
Since we don't offer algos as a service, and all orders on Kite Connect are subject to the same risk management checks as all other orders from Kite, this doesn't apply to orders from Kite Connect.
This circular is for people having algos regi…
Hi @Kirubhakaran, as it stands, we no longer offer this service. Even in the past, our colo service was quite barebones, since it is operationally quite complex to offer.
Hey. Scraping isn't allowed. If you're found to be scraping, you'd be using Kite in a manner that it wasn't intended to be and you'd stand in violation of the terms of service.
Hey @gaurmmec, this was an issue at the exchange. Check out this post on our bulletin: https://zerodha.com/marketintel/bulletin/309977/exchange-order-execution-issue-resolved
@JeetKumar if you lose or change your phone, clicking on the forgot password link will allow you to reset the 2FA and login. You can then set up a new TOTP.
I was reading your previous post and you're right about the fact that this rule is in p…
Hi @JeetKumar
We understand the situation and can sympathise with your plight. However, we can't make an exception to complying with SEBI rules. SEBI is going to mandate 2FA for all the platforms across the brokers soon.
@narayanan, as I say in my original post making the announcement, this does not involve any changes to the APIs and does not require any changes to your code. You simply need to enable TOTP on your Zerodha account. Functionally, the APIs remain unch…
@neerleo88 this was always available as an optional feature. The change is that we're mandating it now, and perhaps soon for all other platforms as well.
@mlearner Was checking this internally. Unfortunately, the token flush times are timed to follow a large number of end of the day processes and cannot be moved.
And for data as add on you charge another 2000. Just give me one reason why shouldn't we store tick data in our personal database . Are we not supposed to be smart enough ?
I am not saying any of that. I simply said policy decisions cannot be based …
While we understand the inconvenience, this is decision is based on updated risk and cyber security assessments. As we have already mentioned above, 2FA is mandated by SEBI for all platforms (that most platforms don't offer it is a different matter)…
In my opinion , people use API to create algorithm and for algorithm to run correctly , It needs data please suggest me if you have any other way where any algorithm can take decision of buying and selling without data
This is why we do provide data…
@Matti There is a performance dip in order placement via Kite Connect API. Normal order placement is taking around 3-4 secs. Did your team implement this functionality and could this be the reason behind performance issues ? This is impacting my tra…
Why can't you guys wait until SEBI specifically asked for TOTP based 2FA and ever other broker/organization implement this instead of only Zerodha . You said these enforcement may come from SEBI but Its also mean that it may not come from SEBI
How is this an experiment of any kind? We're simply adding a layer of security to the account. The APIs remain unchanged. All you need to do is set up TOTP. We could also consider taking this live after markets on Friday, giving you time to test ove…
This will go live on October third, which is a Monday. You'll have time until then. However, since there's no change to the APIs, all you need to do is set up TOTP for the account, which can be done at any time.
does that mean, i will not be able to get access token or i will get invalid access token if i will use current way (PIN based two factor auth)
You'll still get an access token, @ZL4353 . Your orders won't go through though. They'll be rejected…
3- Why would zerodha implement this without it being mandatory from SEBI.
It actually is. Check the cybersecurity circular I've linked.
You'll need the TOTP to login only once per day. Instead of logging in with the PIN in the morning, you use the …
While this increases the security of your account, please ensure that you never share your login IDs, passwords, PINs, API keys, secrets, or any other sensitive information on GitHub or other public forums or with other individuals.
Otherwise it is impossible to figure out the total trading loss from the charges like API and gateway charges. Please keep in mind that since I am trading daily, after a year there are huge number of entries, to sift through.
What Sujith said, but a…
@samphel When you exit a cover order position, the stoploss order is modified by the system to a market order. When you use "cancel", an open order that hasn't executed yet is cancelled.
Hi Krishna,
We update the previous close field at 6:30 AM every working day. So, Friday's close would get updated on Monday morning. This is because the close price is used to calculate the percentage change. If someone wants to see what the market…
Check out this thread: https://kite.trade/forum/discussion/1470/rms-field-not-found-63002
Are you sending "NFO:BANKNIFTY193142940CE" or "BANKNIFTY193142940CE"? It should be the latter, with 'exchange' as "NFO".