@Tusharpatil232 The refresh token is given to platforms like smallcase. These are exchange-approved platforms that serve retail clients on a large scale. Since you're consuming the APIs for personal use, you'll have to log in manually every day.
A new tick is only generated when any of the values change with respect to the previous tick. If there is no change, then the same tick isn't re-published.
@raja1sttarde You'll see that the data on the NSE website is as of 15:26:50 while the data on the feed you're getting from Kite is for 15:30:00. That's a full 3 minutes apart.
Also, the data on the NSE website isn't necessarily always accurate. It…
@FU0406 In your example, I see that you're sending "ICICI" while the trading symbol is actually "ICICIBANK". Similarly, I'm guessing you're sending "SBI" while it should be "SBIN". Refer to the instrument dump for the correct symbols.
Since #1 doesn't say that CO is allowed, there is no way to say. You'll have to check. There are 100s of rejection messages. Some of them are one-off, that are seen in circumstances that are out of the ordinary. You would have to read the message an…
nse_cm stands for NSE cash market. BO is the product type. So BO was blocked for this scrip for the day. On 9th October, DHFL was quite volatile, so this would have been an ad-hoc block by our Risk Management team.
@ramatius like I've said previously, none of this is 'controlled' by Zerodha. What you need to understand is that the BO product is essentially an algo built by Thomson Reuters and approved by the exchanges. If you wish to have complete control of t…
@ramatius What do you mean when 'Zerodha placed the order' or 'the order was split up by Zerodha'? The behaviour of bracket orders is well known. Based on the available bids/offers in the markets. When you place the entry order, you are instructing …
RMS is the risk management team managing risk across clients on our end. As for time taken to reinstate API access, this would depend on the RMS team's discretion. Someone from here would call you and discuss the case with you. You'd be told on the …
@rjv17 As the previous replies suggest the only thing you need to keep in mind is that you are the only one viewing the data. We are working on making TradingView charts available on the Kite web UI, but this would be a generic charting plugin. If y…
Hey @xr100,
This rejection is displayed when the order is placed outside of the exchange stipulated price bands. This price band could be 2, 5, 10 or 20% depending on the scrip. This is explained in more detail here.
@keshav Explained here. Best check the documentation before posting trivial threads on the forum. Such one-liners will not be responded to going forward.
Hey @programmer, for SL & target, the values are relative to the entry price, so if your entry is 61.55 and you want SL and target to be 59 and 65 respectively, enter 2.55 & 3.45.
@phantomdrake We use ChartIQs charting libraries. The math for the indicators is theirs. So, the link you've shared already is all the resources that even we'd be able to give you.
Yes, but the price stream is always in multiples of 0.05. So, if you set the brick size of 0.02, 2 bricks will be formed per tick. The third brick will form completely when there is a second tick. There's a huge difference between plotting a graph a…
That is not how this works. Let me explain:
At any given time, there are 3 active contracts, Current Month, Next Month, and Far Month. Each of these is assigned an exchange token. This token, however, may be reused by the exchange. So the M…
So, the CO/BO product types were built by Omnesys (now Thomson Reuters). BO was essentially an upgrade to CO and hence has the ability to dynamically place SL/target based on the actual entry price. This is possible because the second leg of the BO …
@darsh In India, the broker doesn't hold your orders. The orders hit the exchange immediately, and as such, you also receive an exchange order ID in the response. So, to answer your question, there is no delay.
@sharath This wouldn't be possible as the OMS creates 2nd leg orders ones as soon as there is a fill for the first leg, be it complete or partial. To achieve what you are saying, you'll have to simulate a BO on your end, i.e., place the entry and ex…
In the pre-market session, there is just one trade per instrument at the equilibrium price. This happens before 9:08 AM. Nothing wrong here. Detailed explanation here.
@VenkateshV Nowhere in this thread is it indicated that we do not intend to do this. As for how critical this update is, you need to understand that there are several other things that we are working on that are of a higher priority. Our priorities …
@VenkateshV We're planning a release for this over the weekend. While we did intend to do this earlier, other, more important issues gained priority over this. While I can say that this weekend's update should fix this, if, for any reason, this is …
@krtrader For dividends, the price adjusts itself on the markets. No normalisation required on our part. For splits/bonuses, since more stocks are created, the adjustment is required.
Answered here. Your earlier question was with regards to difference b/w daily candles and minute candles, while this is difference between market depth and candles. Not actually a very similar query.
To answer your questions:
1. On Tuesday, T1 and quantity will be 0. T1 will show up on Wednesday and quantity on Thursday.
2. On Tuesday, your order to sell the T1 quantity will be rejected.
I'm afraid this isn't possible. While Kite Connect can be used to simulate spread order placement behaviour, there is no way to know which legs will/will not execute.
For equity instruments, the day candle's OHLC may not match the 9:15 candle. You see, for equity scrips, there is a pre-market session where one trade happens. This may not be at the same price as the trade at 9:15, as such, the day's open and…
Hey Chirag,
Leverage is automatically applied for orders of the BO variety. However, if you place an order for just the amount you have in your account, i.e., you place an order for 1 stock worth Rs. 100 when you have Rs. 100 in your account, this …
Hey @SerotoninC10H12N2O
As Sujith has said, this isn't possible. The feature just doesn't exist. BO/Co order types were created by the OMS vendor and a means to limit the number of counter orders was never created. As such, it wouldn't be possible…
Hey @ishwarm
I'm afraid we won't be able to add this to the instrument dump. However, since the number of days before expiry that a contract's delivery intention period starts is fixed for any given instrument, you can handle this on your end by s…
Hmmm... This would be merely because of the comparatively lesser liquidity on BSE as compared to NSE. The market mechanism is the same for NSE & BSE. If any market orders are not executed in the pre-market session on either exchange, they're con…
Ah... That wouldn't be something I would be able to suggest to you. A successful strategy takes time and testing. You need to see what works for you and stick to it. Check out this module on Varsity for more.
Hey @stocksigma
The calculation has been explained here. On the same note, I'd also like to mention that using the live OI in your strategy probably isn't a good idea. Why is explained here.
@Twin_kim Not sure what you're suggesting should be changed here. The text reads
"Yes, there is a fixed monthly fee for accessing the APIs. You can see the exact fees after logging into your developer account.
In addition, Zerodha's brokerag…
@trade_then Hah! The exchanges do provide tick by tick data. It's not something a retail trading platform can consume and display though. There could be millions of ticks in a second. Check out the exchange data offerings here.
Hey @trade_then
The exchange streams millions of ticks in a day. Not all of these are captured by the trading platform. What this means is that there could have been a tick that was captured by the charting engine but never showed up on the market …
Hey @sudershan this means that the stock isn't allowed to be traded by the RMS. For this particular stock, there have been multiple SMS messages aimed at manipulating the stock price. Hence the ban.
The APIs are charged at Rs. 2000 per app per month.
In the Kite Connect billing page, you'll see an option to connect your Zerodha account to your Kite Connect account. This would enable auto renewal. If not, you'll have to manually renew your…
The APIs are charged at Rs. 2000 per month per app. You can pause your subscription at the end of the subscription cycle and resume it whenever you wish to.
Pi is a trading platform that we offer to our clients, and this platform has a fixed set o…
In order to sell above the market price or buy below the market price, you'd be expected to use Limit orders Sudheer. SL orders behave the other way around.
I see that you haven't submitted a proof of income while opening your account. This is required for trading F&O. Email one to [email protected] and your F&O segments will be enabled.
Hey @traderx, we don't provide phone support for the Kite Connect APIs. You can, however, write to [email protected] with your concerns. Regarding the issue with data yesterday, this was across brokers/platforms as the issue was at the exchange it…
@Newtrade That's not how it works, I'm afraid. If your trailing value is set at 2, that means that the SL will trail the price on every 2 rupees BY 2 rupees. So, the 'bracket' size remains the same, i.e., the difference between the target and stopl…
@ramatius The margin requirements for derivative contracts is shown as an absolute value. This is determined based on the previous close price of that scrip. However, the margin requirements in such cases depend on your entire portfolio and may vary…
@algotrader29 Interesting suggestion. We'll take it under advisement. Right now, we're working on revamping the core APIs, so it'll take us a little time before we incorporate any more requests.
is there any way we can find the same if there have been a split/dividend/priceadjustment by Zerodha python API if we provide a date range?
You'd not be able to see a flag or such that there has been a corporate action, however, if you're storing h…
@algotrader29 The Kite Connect is merely an execution platform. The corporate actions will need to be factored in on your end. The historical data is adjusted for corporate actions at the end of each week.
@Newtrade Can you tell me what was the trailing value you'd given? If you entered at 1773.6 with an SL o f1766.6, when the price of CEAT is at 1777.8, one could expect the SL to be at 1770.6. I'm not sure how it could be at 1774.6. In any case, this…
@guna This is just a status message that is sent by the OMS that we pass on. This generally comes up if the market is closed. Today, currency markets are closed and hence the rejected order.
@beingmohit Startups go through an audit process and are given free access to the APIs only once they meet the requisite standards. If you have an idea to build a user experience that you think can bring more retail participants to the markets, plea…
Kite Connect is a premium service offered above and beyond our broking services, and charged as such. Originally, the idea with the APIs was to find new ways to get more retail participants to enter the markets. In order to encourage people with ide…
@charuvindatre @botany02 The exchange ticker was momentarily down today, as was apparent from the data not getting updated on the exchange website itself. This was resolved.
@charuvindatre unfortunately there are several technical complexities in forming and streaming whole candles in real-time, where they change every millisecond. 1 minute is the best granularity we can offer. You should stream data using WebSockets an…
Vikesh, on the equity margin calculator page, at the bottom you'll see a list of stocks that aren't allowed for MIS trading. All stocks other than these can be traded on using the MIS product type. Only stocks listed on the margin calculator are off…
Hi @arjunender
Are you sure you're using the same client ID as the one you've entered in the developer console?
If yes, please PM me your API key and we'll check what could be going wrong.
@shavej The best way to backtest in such cases is to fetch the adjusted historical data and use it in calculations or apply the adjustment factor on your DB.
@swapnil_bhalerao What are you trying to do here? If you're trying to place an order and the required margin exceeds what you have in your account, this is the error message you see.
@[email protected] , we see that you have a subscription to the Kite COnnect API, but not for the Historical API. Could you tell me whom you've spoken to in this regard in a private message?
@sameer As I've already very explicitly stated, you receive 1 tick per second at all times if and only if you are subscribed via FULL MODE. To add more clarity to my earlier statement, this is in light of the fact that you are referring specifically…