@sujith bit confused, then what is sellQuantity? From above it seems you said buyQuantity = SUM(Pending Total Quantity + Pending Total Sell Quantity)
Also, how can i get the total executed buyQuantity of the day?
It seems to work by setting, flag continuous=false in getHistoricalData API.
Please let me know, the use of continuous=true, as we don't provide minute based candles of expired contracts.
I understand for expired instruments we get day candles, but for live contracts I am not getting candles for a day before.
2019-09-04 09:29:59,399 INFO okhttp3.internal.platform.Platform [XNIO-1 task-10] --> GET https://api.kite.trade/instrument…
@rakeshr: as the needed data is available in the charts, can the same api be made available? This is a problem on transition from expired to new contract. Will be a great helping feature
I am getting the data today, but not for days like 30Aug, though i have enabled the `continuous data` param
kiteSdk.getHistoricalData(startTime, endTime, instrumentToken, interval, true);