I know the trading symbol for spot NIFTY is NIFTY but don't know the exchange I have to add for. Means I have to check for NSE or NFO?? Actually NIFTY spot is an INDICES. So my question is this how to get spot values for any indices???
As I check …
Thanks Sujith for your comment. Should I use "NSE:NIFTY" to get SPOT PRICE of NIFTY?? or I have to use "NFO:NIFTY" ??
I used above both options but not getting any values..!!!
getHistoricalData() returns incorrect candle data. Problem is in parseHistorical() function on line number 1032.
function parseHistorical(jsonData, headers) {
// Return if its an error
if (jsonData.error_type) return jsonData;
var results = […