@sujith Can a support portal be created? Because, if you don't then there will always be such issues of repetition and redundancy... Just check out every tech forum online... People will have genuine questions and it is unfair to shoot them down ..…
Yes its 3.7.4.. also i was able to get over the problem by a very weird thing... instead of putting the request token and api secret directly into the function call, i passed them as variables and it ran.. not clear on why something like this would …
Yeah I understand that. My question is about the spread orders that the exchange has initiated on its own. For example "https://www.nseindia.com/products/content/derivatives/irf/contract_specifications.htm"
This interest rate future spread order sh…
Alright, I understand that I cannot make custom spread orders. But what about spread order that are offered by the exchange?? Like in NSE Bond futures? Can I place them by Kite or Kite API?
I know Kite web trader does not. But if I need to place spread orders through Zerodha what are the options? Can Kite Connect APIs help? I saw a post that NEST does support Spread orders and I have questions on that too. But i know that this is not …