You need to set debug flag true as mentioned here while initializing the kite object.
Make sure to private message the stacktrace as it will contain app and client specific tokens.
Can you enabled debug logs of pykiteconnect and share the complete stacktrace of that? Please do share on private message. It looks like you are not passing a valid api_key or access_token.
The instruments master only contains what are the instruments that are trading for the day. It won't have information about OTM or ATM or ITM instruments.
Kite Connect sends postbacks only for the orders that originates from the Kite Connect app. It won't send postback for Admin square-off orders. You can use Websocket API to listen to order updates for this use case.
It is a Websocket API (long standing connection), you can connect once and subscribe for the data. It will keep streaming data until you unsubscribe or disconnect. I don't think you can make a REST like HTTP request and discard it on Postman.
The exchange feeds itself has some discrepancy, it is better to calculate at your end if you are not using our client library. You may refer to this thread to know more.
You can use the same api_key for your code but you can't be logged in on both at the same time.
The Websocket connection is per api_key, so make sure you don't exceed 3 websocket connections at any point in time.
Can you fetch orderbook and the params for order type and price field?
Usually the exchange matching engine tries to get you a best price, for buyers it will match with the lowest possible seller for order type LIMIT. Basically, you can't buy above …
We won't be able to figure out anything with connection_id. We haven't come across this issue. You may handle this at your end by doing unsubscribe and subscribe again.
We push it to the queue based on order creation time at our end. We have multiple lease lines, all the messages are sent to the exchange in round robin sequence. I don't think it is possible to control the sequence of orders.
Total buy quantity and total sell quantity means the sum of all pending order quantities at the exchange. It is not related to volume traded for the day.
We only have fetch orders (last 7 days) and fetch portfolio included in the APIs. After the new regulation to settle the funds from and to client's bank account directly. It is difficult to technically orchestrate the order placement via Kite Connec…
You can write to compliance team and check with the team before you are start developing a platform for mass. You can reach out to them on kiteconnect(at)
If an order is placed from the Kite Connect app, then posbacks are sent to that Kite Connect app. Yes, you get postback for all the updates.
When one places an iceberg order with multiple legs, only one order is created, once that completes another …
We don't consume that field in the client libraries. It is implicit that if the https status is 200 then required response is inside data field and if there is error then it is always in the following format.
"status": "error",
"message": …
It is because Kite Connect provides only level 2 data, it is a SNAPSHOT data as published by the exchange.
There can be hundreds of ticks per second at the exchange. But exchange streams only one or two ticks in a second on the internet. For tick by…
It looks like you are automating login. As per regulations, it is mandatory to login manually at least once a day. We don't recommend automating login.
I think you are using an older version of pykiteconnect. You can use the latest version and call this method. There are some breaking changes in previous releases. Make sure you watch out for those.
I was referring to HTTP status code 200. For placing an order, you will receive an order_id in success response, you may use that and fetch order history as well.
You can check out the response structure for place order API here.
Can you enable debug logs and share the complete stack trace here? We will check and get back to you.
We can't investigate anything without logs.
PS: Make sure to remove app and client specific tokens.
Kite Connect is purely an execution platform. We don't provide support for coding. You can hire some freelancer on the forum who can do the job for you.
That is exactly what was removed. You can only add one tag for an instrument on console. You will have to maintain tagging your strategies at your end.
The orderbook API is fetching list of orders, it is not fetching order history.
The async order updates is because of the async notification behavior from OMS. But the order history will have all the states of the order that it has traversed throug…
@sujith I have not tried polling for order updates; WS is out of order, so polling is also out of order?
I didn't get you. Can you elaborate?
eg: If we use this approach, history[-1]['status'], will I get the latest order status in an exact …
Kite Connect will not send order updates for placing an order. You will only receive order update if there is a partial fill or a status change of the order like TRIGGER_PENIDING to OPEN, OPEN to COMPLETE, etc.
You need to wait till the subscription is acknowledged by the Kite Ticker. One way to do it is wait for the first tick in the on_tick and set mode there or add some delay between subscription message and set mode message.
console is our backoffice platform. Kite Connect only provides trading APIs, it doesn't contain backoffice APIs.
Until recently, we were supporting trade based tagging on console. We had to stop it because of very low adoption rate. You will have to…
Kite Ticker's close price will show the previous day's close price even after market closes. It will be updated with the BHAV copy close price(present day's close price) tomorrow morning after BOD is run.
At any point in time, there will be only one access token. So you should be able to use the same keys. Maybe you can go through your code and check if you are sending correct api_key and access_token.
You seem to be fetching the order it history, it contains all the states the order has gone through in the system. For latest order status, you need to check the last item in the list. You may go through documentation to know more.
You can place an order and fetch orderbook, once it shows up on orderbook you can modify order.
Please note that one can only make 25 modifications for an order. Post that you will have to cancel and place order again or use GTT.
It is mandatory by the regulators that a user has to manually login at least once a day. We don't recommend automating login.
Kite Connect is purely and execution platform, we don't provide support or solutions to write strategies.
The order status will not change for a partially filled order. It will remain OPEN even if one trade has executed. The status will change to CANCELLED if you cancel the order but filled_quantity will not be 0.
Order placement is capped at 10 requests per second and 200 per minute. Kite Connect API doesn't differentiate between a MARKET order or LIMIT order. These are just different parameters for the same endpoint.
Kite Connect API is being used by tens o…
You can enable debug logs while initializing kite object, you may refer to the documentation here.
Based on the error status code 429, it looks like you are getting rate limited.
You can add a few milliseconds delay and then fetch the orderbook. It is possible that orderbook hasn't been updated on Kite Trade by the time you fetch the orders.
In case of F&O, only an open position entry is kept in the net field of positions response. All closed positions and MIS positions are cleared after BOD process is run in the night.
Even if you have an open position and the instrument expires t…
Currently, you can use the same api_key as long as you are not exceeding rate limits. But soon there will be a change in user flow because of the new regulations wherein you will have to get one IP whitelisted for using Kite Connect API.
We don't see any request sent for the strike 23750CE at 10:17 AM. It might have timed out at your end.
You may enable debug logs on pykiteconnect for more detailed logs and try on an alternate network.
If you are doing a retry on failure then make …
Kite Connect offers you a snapshot(level-2) data as streamed by exchange, there can be hundreds of ticks per second at the exchange, but exchange streams only one or two ticks a second over the internet.
You need to be located at the exchange to get…
If there is any update on the order then on_order_update is triggered if you have set the listener for that event.
on_message is a generic text message listener for all text messages from Kite Ticker.
We didn't find any logs with 429 http status code. Can you run in debug mode and share the complete stacktrace on private message? Make sure to include IP address as well.
Revoke will just erase the permission you have given to the Kite Connect app to access your orders, positions, holdings, etc. of your Zerodha account.
You will be prompted to give permission when you try to log into the Kite Connect app next time. Y…