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  • mishipal
    Can you please tell me how can i use multiple zerodha ids in single api..?
    November 2020
  • mohitjain080
    hi ... can u pls explain how i can get implied volatility
    October 2020
  • pingmanoj

    I am using this code in, to place a order:
    Rsp = KT.PlaceOrder(Constants.EXCHANGE_NFO, TradedInstrument, Constants.TRANSACTION_TYPE_SELL, QTY, Nothing, Constants.PRODUCT_NRML, Constants.ORDER_TYPE_MARKET)

    and this to display the order status in a datagrid:
    DGV2.DataSource = Rsp.ToList

    In the data grid I see 2 returned values "Key" and "Value".
    In these I get "Status", "success" and
    "data", "System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.String,System.Object]".

    How do I get the actual returned message from the placeorder() function, something like "insufficient funds"?
    Looking forward to hearing from you soon.


    October 2020
  • jinalpatelcsoft
    hello Sujith , can you please check my last comment and reply

    October 2020
  • XS8910
    can you hep.....after market hours its showing correct MTM, i mean with no open position.......But when there is a open position...its showing wrong MTM figure...Kindly help me
    October 2020
  • XS8910
    symbol = sell_trades['tradingsymbol']
    sell_value = sell_trades['sell_value']
    buy_value = sell_trades['buy_value']
    multi = sell_trades['multiplier']
    qty = sell_trades['quantity']
    k =0
    mtm_sum = 0
    for i in symbol :
    lp = get_last_price(i,ins_type)
    pnl_1 = (sell_value[k]- buy_value[k]) + (qty[k] * lp * multi[k])
    mtm_sum = mtm_sum + pnl_1
    k = k+1
    October 2020
  • sandeeplk

    When we query instrument data say at 8.34AM it gave me following data.
    LTP of NIFTY50 is at {'256265':
    {'instrument_token': 256265, 'tradingsymbol': 'NIFTY 50', 'timestamp': datetime.datetime(2020, 9, 24, 8, 34, 10),
    'last_price': 11131.65, 'net_change': -1.15,
    'ohlc': {'open': 11131.65, 'high': 11131.65, 'low': 11131.65, 'close': 11131.85}}}

    We were hoping for yesterday's open, high, low and close but it did not give.

    Any idea what are we doing wrong here?

    Same thing has happened on 22nd Sep at 8:31AM whereas it gave zero to open, high and low.

    LTP of NIFTY50 is at {'256265': {'instrument_token': 256265, 'tradingsymbol': 'NIFTY 50',
    'timestamp': datetime.datetime(2020, 9, 22, 8, 31, 26), 'last_price': 11250.55, 'net_change': 0,
    'ohlc': {'open': 0, 'high': 0, 'low': 0, 'close': 11250.55}}}

    September 2020
  • deepmangukiya
    hi sujith query about the co exiting is solved. it is the documentation mistake in your library so kindly change the docs .

    and now one another query is what price is should enter in the stop loss price? i mean the absolute value ?

    for example if i buy from 1000 and want Stop loss of 10 point than should i pass 10 in the stoploss parameter while placing cover order or should i place 990?
    September 2020
  • nidhit
    hi.. plz call on 9810290237, i am not able to exit from my orders,fast plz
    September 2020
  • Ninja2020
    Sujith Sir,
    Good Day

    Could you please share sample code for Quote to retrieve stock future for many stocks .

    Is there any other way to get Open interest for stock future Sir?


    September 2020
  • swas99
    Hi Sujith,

    I get this message when trying to buy IOLCP:
    "Buying is restricted in IOLCP as this is an illiquid scrip. If you wish to buy, enable TOTP on your account and login to place the order."

    This looks like a bug because it I wasn't getting this message till today and I have USED IOLCP several times in the past few months.

    Also, today 's (avg_price x total_quantity) for some stocks:
    MARICO: 14026401 INR(~1k-3k units every min at ~370 INR per unit)
    IOLCP: 31003746 INR (~1.7k-4k units every min at ~800 INR per unit)
    INFY: 36785565 INR(~1.5k-2k units every min at ~950 INR per unit)

    MARICO & INFY aren't illiquid. So IOLCP shouldn't be illiquid.
    August 2020
  • pravinmangalam
    Hi Sujith,

    Hi I got the dump from getInstruments(), but earlier i was trying with getInstrument("NSE"); it does not return option data.

    Now i had another problem, I want to buy option but its throwing Unknown symbol error-

    OrderParams orderParams = new OrderParams();
    orderParams.quantity = this.QUANTITY;
    orderParams.orderType = Constants.ORDER_TYPE_MARKET;
    orderParams.tradingsymbol = "BANKNIFTY20AUG21600PE"
    orderParams.product = Constants.PRODUCT_MIS; = Constants.EXCHANGE_NSE;
    orderParams.transactionType = Constants.TRANSACTION_TYPE_SELL;
    orderParams.validity = Constants.VALIDITY_DAY;

    Please find the below exception--
    Unknown `tradingsymbol`.
    at com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.kitehttp.KiteResponseHandler.dealWithException(
    at com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.kitehttp.KiteResponseHandler.handle(
    at com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.kitehttp.KiteRequestHand
    August 2020
  • dharin1234
    Hey, can you please help me. I am getting 'the user is not enabled for the app'. What user? I signed up on kite connect. i have a demat account as well, but not sure how both are linked.
    July 2020
    • dharin1234
      @sujith can you please help
  • svsio
    Hi Sujith, I'm getting 'insufficient permission' errors when I try to connect with an expired access token. I have the refresh token but the error I'm getting is not an 'token is invalid' exception, it's an 'insufficient permission' error so the refresh flow doesn't take over.

    Has something changed on the API?

    My number is 9833598327 and my app name is mark-up. Thanks
    July 2020
  • prithwish_pb
    hi sir , I'm unable to subscribe to historical API option. Can you pls help me !!
    July 2020
  • tahseen
    Am thinking of writing some backend application that would use tick data to compute and mathematically analyze to output possible trades of stocks and/or their futures.

    Am I allowed to do that ? Is zerodha okay with that ?
    June 2020
  • VSingham
    Hi Sujith, thanks for your response. You said "You don't have to do all these. pykiteconnect does it for you. You can check out the repo here" but I've already downloaded and installed pykiteconnect from github and am connected to kite connect in ipython on my terminal. So can you pl elaborate why I'm unable to get access token?

    One more thing, what is the specific command I need to write to calculate checksum (SHA-256 of api_key + request_token + api_secret)? Do I need to concatenate these 3 strings into one string without any spaces in between and then find the checksum of that?

    June 2020
  • Sudhanshu2314
    Hi Sujit,
    I am new to Algo and API. Yesterday I paid Rs 2000 for creating a new app to onnect my Tradeton Account to Zerodha Acount. Created the App but the there was some issue in connection. So i wanted to edit the App to change some settings and by mistake deleted the app. Now when I want to create new app, it is again asking for Rs 2000 whereas my previous app is still valid for one month. Whats the solution. Have written mail to Support team but no reply. Plz help
    June 2020
  • sameeer
    Hi Sujith,
    Thanks for your prompt replies...I have very important question

    I am not sure if I am doing something wrong or its how NSE works

    I am testing my program for partially filled orders so I am placing BUY order for SUNTECK from Kite and selling SUNTECK from my upstox account... I see that as soon as I place sell order from SUNTECK, my buy order from Kite becomes invisible from market depth

    Does that mean NSE tracks orders at PAN card level and hence NSE doesnt allow simultaneous BUY and SELL orders(from different brokers like Kite, Upstox, Sharekhan, etc) for same stock from same PAN card?
    If its not TRUE, then I understand my conclusion sounds funny but that has been my observation for last 10-15 trades

    For example,
    if market depth : bid 100 and ask 110
    Now i place bid from KITE at 105 so market depth: bid 105 and ask 110
    Now if I place MKT SELL from upstox, my execution price is 100 and I dont see 105 in market depth
    My quantities in Kite still 0
    May 2020
  • arthite
    I am new, pls can anyone help me out with getting live tick by tick ohlc data into excel
    May 2020
  • jaganunitrix
    hi Sujith,
    I am new to kite connect, facing "The user is not enabled on the app." u already told works only with single user.
    single-user ???
    May 2020
  • Gafoor
    Hi Sujith,

    I am trying to use GTT in python. But it is not working

    It is giving me error ''KiteConnect' object has no attribute 'get_gtts'

    May 2020
  • KSL
    is it private?
    May 2020
  • BD7721
    Hi Sujith,
    I am new to Zerodha Kite connect.
    Can you give me Sample Code to connect, and place an order based upon simple technical indicator. The objective here is to understand how to code for Zerodha.

    I need to know if ZERODHA is providing live RSI indicator along with live data?
    If not then , can I use talib or I need to construct my own indicators.

    May 2020
  • rao1
    Thanks for the advise. Will surely connect. Would be grateful if you could share the concerns/feasibility here too ? Thanks
    May 2020
  • kishorsandage
    OK See , Now i am very close to solution , I did all process to get access token used

    But it is giving me old access token ,. Is there any other command to generate new access token
    April 2020
  • raju_k7
    hi want to backtest 5min data for last 10 years for nifty 50 in kite pi guide
    April 2020
    • sujith
      You can check out FAQs here
  • KrishnaKumbham
    I am getting the following error even after activating the key.
    Invalid `api_key` or `access_token`.
    March 2020
    • sujith
      Are you sure you are using the right api_key? You seem to have two Kite Connect apps and only one of them is active and another one is a Kite Publisher app.
    • KrishnaKumbham
      yes, i am using the right api key. today morning I have activated the API. and I am using the activated API key.
  • vikasjaiswal11
    Hi < can you help me in automating request token generation via java.
    March 2020
    • sujith
      It is mandatory by the exchange that a user has to login at least once a day manually. We don't recommend automating login.
    hello sir,
    I need to execute bank nifty options, bracket order with stop loss and target trigger price based on last one minute close. I already developed the coding with OHLC data. But the issue with that one is, it is taking last close from last day trading data. Thus creating a big range for stoploss and target trigger price. Please help
    February 2020