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  • Irshad
    Hi Sujith,
    Can you tell me the name of API to get the order ID of BO (all three order)
    May 2018
  • ECE004
    hello sir... how can i automate trading , how can i create API , then how can i use that to fire orders in KITE trading platform? pls explain me sir..
    May 2018
  • Saranewbee
    Hi Sujith, In a reply u said u have 2 years SBIn 1 min data. Can you please share with me?

    sujith January 8 Flag
    We only have minute candles for past couple of years. We have minute level data for SBIN NSE from mid of 2014.
    May 2018
  • Sachin2018
    HI sujith ,
    we need to integrate kite api to show BSE and NSE stocks and all need to provide search also only . so can u tell me right package / pricing and feasibility for my mobile app (android and ios) ASAP.
    May 2018
    Curl for getting margins : curl "" This works. curl "" \ -H "X-Kite-Version: 3" \ -H 'Authorization: token api_key:access…
    May 2018
  • samba
    Hello Sujith,

    Can you specify the formula used to draw "Stochastics" in Zerodha Kite Web. i don't see similar indicator in Zerodha Pi. Stochastic oscillator and Stochastic momentum are giving different results than "Stochastics".
    May 2018
    Sir I was working kiteconnect python through my mobile with older version.
    When I tried to upgrade to 3.7 I was not able to do in mobile. But I upgraded in my laptop.
    My doubt is whether 3.7 suitable for Mobile or not
    April 2018
  • vijaysahu
    Hello Sujith...

    I am also trying to look into this... if you have some time.. then can we discuss regarding this via call.
    I will give you a call but don't worry I will not take your time more than 5 min.

    You can what's app me on 9411122233 - Vijay.

    Conversation with you might resolve some doubts on zerodha api... I will wait for your message.

    Vijay Sahu.
    April 2018
  • ZS9524
    @ Sujith,

    I need 5 year 1 minute candle data for all the F&O eligible stocks for that particular year ( Cash data).

    Also I need it in excel, is it possible, approximately how big will be the file size for 1 stock for 5 year 1 minute candle data

    and if yes how do I get it.

    Best regards,
    April 2018
  • srismohanty
    Hi Sujith

    Thank you for the help last time.

    I am trying to get market quotes for some instruments, and I want to get the information every seconds but while using
    $response = $kite->getQuote($instrument_token);

    I get "Uncaught NetworkException (429) 'Too many requests' thrown in /home/***/public_html/***/includes/kiteconnect.php on line 899" error. I am using php.

    Can you suggest how I can get my information every second? Also are there any example for websockets in php that I can use?

    Thank you
    April 2018
  • soumens
    Hi Sujith,
    I am trying to access the holdings. Using flask example. Login is sccessfull. Received all the tokens.
    def holdings():
    kite = get_kite_client()
    return jsonify(

    I am getting insufficient permission.
    Error msg : DEBUG:urllib3.connectionpool: "GET /portfolio/holdings HTTP/1.1" 403 116
    kiteconnect.exceptions.PermissionException: Insufficient permission for that call.

    This is happening to other functions. kite.orders()

    Can you please help me on this.

    April 2018
  • srismohanty
    Hello sujit.

    Thanks for responding to my query request. As you may have guessed I'm really troubled with this as you may have noticed by my mis-typing. Please help if it is possible.

    You asked for my api_key, well here it is "0ts48egor2m7tpqw"

    Thank You
    March 2018
  • rubaljhavar
    Hi Sujith,

    I am not getting continuous data for currency even after passing continuous=1 in the query string.

    Also please suggest if we have some instrument token for USD INR spot (not futures or options).

    March 2018
  • jumpingjacks
    dear sujith,

    is there an api to squre off all positions @version3.0
    March 2018
  • ramatius
    Hi Sujith, the "orders list" api is not working for me,
    curl "" -H "X-Kite-Version: 3" -H 'Authorization: token d2rc0eo19s33cg38:YuDCeYCcnoMz1WpcS3RRjuWzQIcpeu6a'

    However, the same credentials are working fine for firing orders, cancel orders, etc.
    February 2018
  • jumpingjacks
    We are using api for our trading process.When we are taking multiple order information few orders in beteween showing some erors like
    1.Network exeption.
    2.General exeption.
    3.Gateway busy...etc.
    example :our mode operation is we are placing (50 orders) at a time on multiple shares.and we are using 50mbps speed net work.
    please give me an suggestion or advice to overcome this erors.
    February 2018
    • MAG
      @jumpingjacks: If you are placing 50 individual orders at a time, are you having any time delay between each order?
      In kite you need to make one order_place call for each order. And you are limited to three api calls per second.
      So considering your code is doing nothing but placing orders, no quote , status etc, then you will take 50/3= 17 seconds to palce all 50 orders with a .25 to .3 second delay between each order.
      If you are firing orders one after the other, you would hit the api limits and then the api would throw up network or gateway exceptions.
  • jumpingjacks
    we are using kiteconnect,
    February 2018
  • jumpingjacks
    helo sujith...
    February 2018
  • jumpingjacks
    hi sujith
    February 2018
  • tpallapa
    Hi Sujith
    February 2018
  • Guhan
    1) get order_book, filter product = 'BO', status = 'OPEN' and parent_order_id is not null
    2) if exchange_timestamp is greater than one minute then executes kite.cancel_order(order_id=order_id,variety ='bo')

    but after the execution of above cancel statement both partially filled first leg and second orders got exited

    February 2018
  • rush
    i am developing one js platform where i want historical data, but i get {"status":"error","message":"Incorrect `api_key` or `access_token`.","data":null,"error_type":"TokenException"} my api key is right and also acces token, what is wrong?
    February 2018
  • Pradeep
    I have a C# utility to study the market and trends - the utility has the ability to recommend me to purchase or sell stocks - i need a platform to please orders and sell it - can i use pi bridge? r what is the best method to make my transaction - appreciate your replay
    January 2018
  • toughguy
    Hi Sujith, I see that you have been very helpful in the group. I am struggling to find some help on my query. Can you please check and respond.
    Also what all I need to have access to if i want to get stock data, I am not looking for Order details, etc.
    January 2018
  • aakashps1995
    I have error in third line
    String[] instrument = {"NSE:NIFTY BANK"};
    double bnl = kiteConnect.getOHLC(instrument).get("NSE:NIFTY BANK").lastPrice;
    double bnc = kiteConnect.getOHLC(instrument).get("NSE:NIFTY BANK").ohlc.close;
    Exception in thread "main" com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.kitehttp.exceptions.NetworkException
    at com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.kitehttp.KiteResponseHandler.dealWithException(
    at com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.kitehttp.KiteResponseHandler.handle(
    at com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.kitehttp.KiteRequestHandler.getRequest(
    at com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.KiteConnect.getOHLC(

    January 2018
  • sanjayjain85
    Hi Sujith,

    I am trying to invoke

    and getting below error.

    {"status": "error", "message": "That API call is not allowed for the authenticated user", "error_type": "PermissionException"}

    Can you help?
    January 2018
    • sujith
      This is going to be deprecated soon. Use the Kite Connect 3 endpoints.
  • prakashrao
    hello, how to place multiple Bracket Orders in a single click? please guide me
    January 2018
  • vickin
    Hi Sujith,

    I have kite connect + publisher app and I am trying to get access token using python or java client, however, I keep getting this error.

    kiteconnect.exceptions.PermissionException: That API call is not allowed for the authenticated user

    I am using the same user id as the app's client id and I have also made the payment. I am doing the following:
    1. get the request token from the redirect.
    2. pass it to kite.request_access_token method along with api secret.

    It fails this step with above error. What can I do ? Can you help.

    January 2018
  • Souvick
    Hi Sujith,

    Could you please respond to my queries?

    December 2017
  • srinicipher
    Hi Sujith,

    When I run the sample code on my pc i get this error:

    status: 'error',
    message: 'Invalid session credentials',
    error_type: 'TokenException'

    What could be the issue.
    December 2017