Streaming stopped?

Did the tick streaming stop for an hour yesterday ?
I am loading all the ticks to a database and i do not see any ticks from 20 august 13:59:13 to 14:25:53.
i want to know if there is anything wrong from myside or yours. check the option NIFTY21AUG16400PE for example.

  • rakeshr
    Did the tick streaming stop for an hour yesterday?
    i do not see any ticks from 20 august 13:59:13 to 14:25:53
    We checked chart for NIFTY21AUG16400PE and can see data for the mentioned period 20 august 13:59:13 to 14:25:53. Chart/Historical data uses the same tick data to generate candle.
    So, there was no issue from outside.
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