Automated Trading


I would like to start working on a simple project as follows:
1. I have two trading accounts with Zerodha
2. I want to place a buy order for one lot of Infy Futures @ Rs 970.30
3. As soon as the order gets executed, I want to place another buy order @ Rs 969.30 and a sell order @ Rs 976.70.
4. I want to keep buying at every Re 1 fall and sell the lot @ Rs 6.40 higher.
5. As soon as a lot gets sold, I want to place a buy order @ Rs 6.40 lower.
6. The program should check if I have sufficient balance in my account before placing any buy order
7. The program should check if I have sufficient shares (lots) in my account before placing any sell order.

Any help to get me started would be greatly appreciated.

+91 924 650 9367
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