api connection and web interface

Dear All,
Can someone confirm that we can keep and kite web interface logged in
@ same time i.e. that is concurrently? if we use Pi then it disconnects which we know. But can we keep api connection and web logged it at same time?

The reason is to confirm that the client we write works. Is there is any other call to confirm the session is active.

I want to ensure that the order don't get bounced due mobile app login or something.

Currently i send a /positions or orders query to ensure the session is connected but confirming that api login has no interaction with kite.zerodha will be great.

Reva Sudhakar
  • sujith
    You can be logged in on all Kite platforms at a time. But make sure you don't logout anywhere. If you logout, you will be logged out everywhere.

    We currently don't have any API call to check session validity we will come up with one very soon.
  • jsudhams
    Thank you very much
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